
 What is at stake? Take the down payment ,birth investment,sway win price to success. It's the swing- action -wheel on broadway channel. Cost of future success: CREATE; make or cause to be, bring something into existence. Through persuasion of purpose. It's grand stand for our brand, that makes the day ,everyday. It's the ray for the day. Ignore the fray in the tray to delay and lead astray. In birth, is project construction cost, present value of future products/ services experiment. Creativity on  broadway  express, powered by birth investment. Accordingly, birth is first phase of success. The girth makes mirth to sway. Or stray. We can pay the spray;  water in small drops on our seed commerce.  Generate waterfalls human electricity that makes us viable and profitable. That's Broadway ' Prove Assets Yourself (PAY), to manufacture man - made products. Cease to ponder. We are the wonder to make the world wonderful. By style, through the ways that make new  things happen. How to invent, what is  resident in us, with content and intent . Bring in the advent of ground breaking events to upgrade humanity. How ? Understand the asset base within and  without, and create  the sway through the broadway. 


First, Enquire. We are  at birth, various sway display utility units .Awaiting, fire that sparks desire to aspire and inspire. It triggers the process of finding out what works best for us with our asset/ value. Begins with a literature review of the past and present to determine the future. Similar to fashion , it's birth to accomplish many other births .Agenda to make, do good and create. By birth, I am a product of fashion. It's called ' Facere', Latin word: which covers  birth , childbirth, promoting peace. It implies that fashion ,involves all of human life. Personal, Local, National and international. Global way of life. That Grand total  experience is sum of its parts. Therefore, enquiry, is self imposed query .Profile for this type of 'birth ', invention, fame broadway to promote peace. Signature of a better world.

What Are Requirements For Fashion Sway  Success.?                                                                 Who Am I?. One of the greatest fashion arsenal is ' I Am Fashion' By Birth. In this my nature , inhabits style. It's the browser for other body 'websites'  network. Server with interface connecting database, ready prepared to establish the sway. By experience, what we have will jump out  because of  personal challenges. That will evoke defence. From the database , who I am, picks up relevant asset, to establish prominence.Natural birth has gestation period for other rebirth creativities, through search mission to find our trademark. That's Who I Am ,work in progress.

What I Am?  People who think like me, generally, will look  inwards casually . And say,There is nothing here. This is great too . Marvelous rebound for rebirth. Emboldened, through life journey, so far, there is no full exhaustion of down payment investment. The more I discover , the greater, never ending, unfolding  positive power, to invent new things . Even guts to activate what I thought , I wasn't . And  never say die. It's great to think , I am not a mistake, anyhow. Will do good to take back what is missing.  Really ? No.  But actually in hiding. If it is zero by mistake.  Be the hero,, by retake.

What Does It Require?  Understand that every down payment is account credit for our life events. It talks. Do good this time. Create something. Take positive action to balance the reconciliation statement of account. It means interest accruals on the investment, surplus to add new value and upgrade humanity. That's fashion sway broadway. 

Perspire To Acquire.  Birth that can open the eyes to difficulties  also carry facilities. To introduce creative channels to unravel abilities to fulfill great dreams. It is a great teacher that does good with bricks thrown it, using as foundation for great accomplishment . Now, I understand, more clearly, that what did seem not to matter at first, soon turned out to matter when it mattered most. Birth  imparts power to perspire and aspire. It is energy of love inspiration product, extracted from curiosity of things within and without. Learning to assemble the bits of disconnections into construction of expression. Dress and business momentum . Fashion sway,  that wins by approval , through ability transformation experiment. Perspiration with  kills in  the problem solving process .

 Acquire Relevant Skills. This is crucial to open the TILL and fill up operate life vast mills and fulfill purpose. Acquire is power of purpose  to hire what rebirths, creates  and makes success a sway event. 

Perspire To Acquire is the process through which the infrastructure of Who I Am transacts with What I Am . Broadway swing of creativity. Fashion that nurtures product / service, in given  time period until completion. Creation with action to make it happen. Motion to accomplish what we are prepared, made ready to happen :Fashion Sway Success.

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