
 The leading measure of wealth for most adults , according to  new Charles Schwab modern wealth survey  is not money but wellbeing. Wealth is the value of all natural , physical and financial assets owned by an household reduced by liabilities.                        Payless  can be used for  what  doesn't have any pay or salary. It's like a voluntary work or honorary job. The appendage denotes absence not less amount.. Thankless job, cashless insurance etc.  Shouldn't the ICT be like the investment corporation for transformation? With interest in payless success?; Isn't it time, to wear , the many faces of New love wellbeing Lifestyle on ICT? : New lifestyle which reflects a person's value and attitude . Opportunity that feeds payless  experiment. Underscores the price market , profit drive commerce to converse with more happy and prosperous greater humanity. It's money value interface with payless new love, wellbeing success system.

THE NEW FACES OF  SUCCESS.                          Shouldn't  the quantum leap in wealth  accumulation be momentum of Digital Age, be Project Memorandum for greater wellbeing humanity. It's time to move from money mind profit  to it's heart of divergence payless. The opportunity to let money serve ,a more happy and prosperous mankind is here. Now is the  time when money talk,  momentum means more happy health, and prosperous world. This is one of the quickest wayd to success :  Voluntary and  thankless job. Successful success..

MANY FACES OF SUCCESS; PAYLESS.                 The price market economy is graduating into physical and mental  digital capital economy.  Faces of success: Set Your Goals. Dream big dreams which rub sleep from the eyes of the surface of economic transaction to unfathomable insight, topmost height for greater humanity. Goes far beyond the material wealth to it's superior payless equivalent. Counterpart immaterial aspect,  of Digital Economy hardware and software, to impact rising progress global shake up. 

 When products have money back guarantee, What makes wellbeing product warranty? Payless? It's time to package this new wellbeing  inspiration. How?         Understand The Obstacles In This Experiment. Payless is not less pay but its absence . Like an indifference curve where in economics, it provides the same level of satisfaction  up and down the axis, without l price implications. The existing market price dynamics should provide highway wellbeing 'payless' intellectual tactics'.The current system where 10% population control 90% global wealth,suggests examining the status quo . It calls for intellectual frantic traffic to reschedule a payless module. The 'pyramid' model is good. Could we not introduce : hydra'  equivalent, running mate,? With Create A Mental Image new human  face symbol?

We need an hydraulic, mechanical function that operates the force of liquid pressure to provide movement. The digital economy can function as the hydraulic to pressure, liquid money movement from top down to bottom top, for more people. That's economic revolution which  generates more intellectual payless traffic for greater humanity. In my culture, a king's honour is people power based, people strength driven , one voice all action attraction stimulus response. The digital economy can become savour -less if it pays less attention to payless dynamics, in it's econometrics. 

The other faces of New Love Wellbeing Lifestyle Success Payless Inspiration Motivation, include: Clear Your Mind Of Doubt . Embrace The Challenges, Stay On Track. Show The World ,We Can Do It. Does money have any doubt?  How does money feel, when what it thinks, isn't what tinks and chinks, after all. What do we do? Clear our minds of all doubts. Money isn't all after all. How do we complement what it has to implement? We need to embrace the challenges. How do we figure out the social cost opportunity of new wellbeing payless success? Payless account externalities as well as direct cost to producers. Which  differs from private opportunity cost, that disregard any externalities, to the producers. The way forward is courage to step up the experiment . Tell the world we can do it. The current  price Market system has paid rent for skewed wealth global distortion.It needs a review, rethink, research, reschedule the package . What is the structure of money drive payless system? That works well ,when humanity breathes payless process progress, for better world. 

The face of currency for New Love Wellbeing should be the human creative artefact on the stage of this age. And let's write the page of inspiration motivation payless success express. Let's go! ! 

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