
 The size of  physical eye operates a four way drive . Perpendicular to a point from past , present and future. Operates at a junction called today. Powerful radar for scanning, screening, spinning, sprouting and speeding with a vision: The eyes of fashion. It's the mind's asset , property Certificate Of Occupancy. The mind of a merchant, searching out and reaching produce of clothing design, on humanity . From the heart of gold, unfolding the untold delight to uplift mankind.                                                        Global in content, visual acuity intent , to enrich and glamourise our essence. Show me a world.  I will tell you it's fashion. This is our broadcast station. Can you  'see’ me. ? This is voice of fashion transmission. Right here opposite you.                                      Accord with concordance. Salute flute without dispute. Cute with astute, not mute. Eyes of Fashion, like a nation with ovation oration for celebration. It's name is FASHION CRAZY. Mission on motion with electric voltage dress power . Regulator, decorator, driver, enhancer, influencer, destiny facilitator, game changer, time mover etc. The world in its orbit time clock, to fit us and unlock dress express fantasy.  It's here.              Sometimes, the sun , moon , galaxies may be caught up in anxieties.  Asking : Can we understand and  decode the secret of joy and happiness.? What's the metaphor? Interpret and understand the outstanding power of self expression. Dress impression and style distinction? YES, indeed, we can.  It's uniquely matchless . Inscription on our body beyond estate , tireless and endless.  Crazy fashion, transmission, dissemination vision.

It's mindset of agility at work..From the past by recollection and recommendation. Through, intuition and intrsopection, rectification, injection and projection to the future . Distillation, crystalization and distinction for the present. The minds eyes retrieve, conceive and weave them . Fashion foot prints of the past with future  structure  interwoven. Discerning and discovering what is the  trend:  vogue and style, now. Eye of fashion, pulls our sensory outfits through mirror preview for fitness, on the radar intuition to test flight it's wings suitability..

The Mind's Eye Collation Agility.
Operates with round about ability with full capacity from a given spot. Exercising visual acuity intensity is crucial. Broadly understand, the origin , style, brand and trend of the greatest fashion appeal. Time is on the move . Discover reason to edit or evict, predict and verdict new edition.               Big stomach was synonymous with wealth. It was a booming fashion then. Today , fashion baton has changed hands. In the mid  1970's, my country was overflowing with oil boom. We were also, trending with big at the bottom trousers fashion style.  Today, the story is different. It ranges from stretch to tight. Coincidentally, economic times are tight. That is,time marking self.  

   It takes agility to remark scores of dress expression, to make us poise with noise.  Undress what limits and   out vote incomplete impression, the breathe of our essence . The mindset engineering, works at improving dress leverage: Partial replacement of button with cufflinks in men's long sleeved shirts . Each introduction did herald a class ,with it a glass of water to quench design thirsty club. It was a cotton raiser, confidence boost for better dressers. : Fashion Crazy. 
Become Stylish To Flourish: Personal Style.     What does it take to become self-stylish? It's answer with ' Swagger ' browser'. Is it Time-Age Censor? Yes! But beyond the device, is an activator. From experience, it's illuminating to inter - phase the initiator with stimulator. As an  arts creative designer, our work motivates and inspire transaction interaction with the product/ service at the construction site. I love natural color: Green. It's power drive control over other colors is baffling, not strangling ambition. It provides appetite that feeds other hungry color channels for expression. It works well. Style is established. Market is nourished. Customer marked the  delight and flourished. Personal style got a boost. : Experiencing an exciting pattern mix and texture drive through the  mind's leverage powered the experiment: combining, reducing, replacing, upgrading and down playing distraction. Then creating success sensation. 
Personal style experience, harvests choice of fabric colors. It pre- disposes diverse color selection attraction and combination. There is colour interaction to highlight sensitive areas, placing guided  'power punch' staunch creativity where it's hot. Straight line cuts and curved shapes are specifically limelight, creativity oriented drivers. They , in a flash , summarize the minds of dresser and designer. The brand alert, that is door gate to investigate and navigate or vacate the experiment. 
Eye Training Mindset. ' If my eye can see it, I will grow and develop it. Eye of fashion with passion. Immensely, immerse self into the life tingling, mind satiating ecstacy the fans fantasy. It's never satisfied, always on the  look out to feed dress need, with proceed of creative breed. The ever growing, experience gathering exploits of an icon in the making.  Bracing up to  dress humanity from the architecture of his creative inventiveness. If it takes decades, I will provide the facade. Print - mark excellence on dress humanity time line: Fashion crazy. 

In the fashion world, each of us is like a neon bulb. Beautiful in it's rays. Wonderful to display sizes, shapes, description on a mission. It takes our body desire ,to fit eyes of fashion in proportion  to self description prescription. To announce, inspiration motivation love success sensation. 

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