
 As valuable as time . It is commercial broadcast . A channel of  money value transactions. It is the marvel of  price market creation. A funnel unit to measure everything with its  currency value equivalent. it's scope is breath taking, from finite to infinity. It's economy, is  ignition power drive to everything. Positively, is 'There is I Must Excell? Yes .It's name is  TIME It is a value  tool for our  little self -economy autonomy to profit ,in the general economy.

  INSPIRES MOTIVATION LOVE SUCCESS ,       Time is a' hot' currency. Why? It is the property belonging to the present but  reminiscent of the past and connecting with future. It's general acceptance or use. This depends on : (1)  Time is money currency and can cause love to Inspire and motivate action towards success, using present value  exchange rate . (2). Accordingly, time as currency in this conversation, is a medium of present value exchange. Why? It is property ( asset)  of general acceptance . It is a monopolist whose customers accept it's supremacy dynamics in the  market goal focused, profit mechanism. (3) Time has general acceptance standards that qualifies it as a medium of exchange. This status implies recognising, understanding, and applying  the rules and principles as required in its economy and management. (4). Time is fire spark initiator, attending to quests of love, Inspiration motivation for a better life. Note the Previous post' How Time Money Cost Success Inspires Motivation Ingenuity'?. (5). Time Economy, has commercials to build, grow and develop our little asset autonomy economy. In the general operations of time economy, are structures and systems associated with opportunities and. leverages. It is the timely understanding of how financial systems put in place by government works for our profit. No one can fully understand Time Economy, without, Economy Time Watch. No one walks with time watch without knowledge of it's general acceptance requirements. (6) The Currency Value Watch. Where are the typewriters and typists, telephone dials etc.? Their currency has expired. Our little economy has search engine for success when it connects actively with relevance to love,motivation , Inspiration channels   
What Does Our Search Engine Do?.
To our little economy, it revives wit:      HUNGER INITIATIVES: There is an obsession to do more.To rise up to meet  price market standard requirements. Love connects us with, Inspiration motivation  energy ,
 for an all - what -it- takes work attitude. All the way to acquire and respond to Time Watch Expertise adequately. The human potential asset, is open ended but time precise and specified goals. That's one of  the many  works of time economy commercials: I Am Opportunity. You Have Ability, Show Your Profitability. That is the job description for love , Inspiration motivation Success. From experience, healthy Self- Competition is power of altitude. The prelude that denies a better yesterday, than today, another chance . That is the hallmark to remark.            GENERAL ACCEPTANCE. This is another purpose of little economy search engine . He who pays the Piper dictates the tone. It is always , better when our presence  introduces itself without much commercials. When what I am , becomes an ads channel.  We need to draw attention  to a larger economy ,where there is competitive edge for this type of self- ads. It is here that general acceptance standards can promote give away paid adverts as bonus for Suma cum laude candidates. It is give and take. We have what it takes, if we give, what it makes :  Hard work, Expertise, Experience, Resilience. Patience, Integrity.  When the power of self- ads talks boldly, life walk gladly. Think about Thomas Edison, Michael Jordan etc. Their general acceptance, perhaps, has exponential multiplier. These and many others looked at success through the eyes of economy general acceptance. There is still time, to lift up humanity. What is the general acceptance of time economy currency.? NOW?
TIME ECONOMY CURRENCY. The value of human potential asset, works better when our self worth which is processed, meets with general economy standard requirements. Why? It is scarcity and choice management economy. Like in our culture,where proverb is the oil with which words are eaten. Competition is  like job description with which market economy does it's prescription.                                           Time economy currency commercial has advantages for our individual asset, little economy:  Economic transaction is a numbers game, all things remaining thesame. Little can grow up. The Time Economy currency, inspires love to motivate action on unused, undeveloped, underdeveloped assets, etc. We have  seen trends and brands. It is time to add to the list. That's forward thinking with time economy currency.                                                LEGAL TENDER.                                                    Time operates like a legal tender. Some countries redesign their currencies after a while. Why? Life purpose can become time barred, when our money asset currency, has lost its relevance. Perhaps, the Time Economy Currency manual and guide eluded us. Are  we current in the Digital World? Are our fingers increasingly, getting used to click the buttons and update their experiences?  That is the to move forward.

  Life is organic. With our cooperation, time can present or prevent our currency value to humanity. Time is silent but diligent and prudent. It has eyes for now sight, hindsight, insight , foresight etc. It plays a key role in market value operation with an orientation that sees the present with initiatives for the future. In the Time currency economy, love Inspiration motivation success, connects with its heart beat to give us a feat. 

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