
 It's not about road safety traffic signs or traffic light. It's not about the road triangle symbol to show there is obstruction etc. It is about financial safety that involves business traffic on the speed lane of life. But they are not opposite to one another, because their common purpose is safety. For example, the required standard speed for vehicles in business environment is 25 mph/ hour, unless otherwise stated. What is the safety speed to do clean business of financial stability? Safety includes all measures and practices taken to preserve the life, health and bodily integrity of individuals, property etc.                                                          
 WHY IS SPEED SAFETY IMPORTANT?                In business and life, it is a crucial management tool for all types of wealth.       It is a vital element to protect the economic value of human potential.                                    Safety is an economy that prices or compensates our social resource cost optimally.                                                               It is like a website with redirects and indexing for example, by the 'Safety  Net'. 
  What Is the Concept Of Financial Safety Net'?  It consists of a framework that includes the foundation of prudential Financial Regulation, Supervision, Resolution,Lender Of Last Resort and Deposit Insurance.  In Nigeria, for example, the National Deposit Insurance Corporation can represent the deposit insurance. It supervises banks to protect depositors, and ensure compliance with monetary stability and an efficient/ effective payment system. It also provides competition and innovation in the banking system etc.  Broadly, the economy of safety is weighty.   
  WHAT IS FINANCIAL STABILITY?                     It can be defined as a condition in which financial systems are not unstable. It means that the financial institutions, financial markets and financial infrastructures are stable. It means that individual assets, debts, income and expenses operate to earn, spend and save money etc.   

 HOW DOES SAFETY SPEED OF FINANCIAL STABILITY, INSPIRE LOVE MOTIVATION SUCCESS.    LOVE is both the Hard Disk (Main Drive ), as well as the Back Up, in our body - like a computer device.                                                    MOTIVATION. Love is a source of encouragement and energy that transforms us into a better version of ourselves.                                 INSPIRATION. For me, it is the 'breath' of love. That's how Mama, expressed her creativity with courage throughout my life.

WHAT IS THE ROLE OF SAFETY IN FINANCIAL STABILITY?                                        How does protection from danger or harm or risk, influence Financial Stability?  From the concept of Financial Safety Net above, there is a GENERAL TYPE.  This is where financial systems are enabled to efficiently allocate resources, and assets, and manage financial risks. When the systems become capable, they maintain employment close to the economy's natural rate. They work to eliminate relative price movements of real and financial assets that will affect Monetary stability or employment levels. In 1990 the safety standard alarm by WHO, concerning the looming El-Nuno did not stop the havoc. Nigeria experienced flooding last year. It created unemployment, artificial scarcity, prices of foodstuff jumped very high etc. 
The Safety concept: SPECIFIC TYPE.                  How does the individual build a safety net for Financial Stability?                                                1. By keeping contingency or emergency funds, with automatic access. To take proactive action before danger arrives                    2. Paying Off all debts or reducing them, especially in times of plenty. An exception could be with a planned debt financing project. Other debt-financing and non--commercial projects are safety risks.                                       3. Create a monthly budget and live within the income and expenses business plan.          4. Start Retirement Saving Plan, early. It is the honey in the flower of our life.                     5. Self-Investment. Let's be intentional with it. Nothing pays like that. It generates the rate of returns exponential multiplier, for a better life.                                                                  6 Let's learn to set time measurable and achievable goals. Then draw up a plan to achieve them.            
My people say, how will one climb a hill with a broken waist? What is speed safety for financial stability? Safety speed in the variable
s affecting Financial Stability, like inflation, recession, price changes, political situation, global market, fiscal deficit etc.      What is the cost of speed and safety of  Tsunami, Tsunami Katerina etc.. Congruous with information provision, there is a call to raise awareness to pending or unresolved safety issues more significantly to us as individuals, communities, etc  If we can precisely control safety in our finances we can determine and keep its speed in check,Note the previous post, How wealth safety health search, motivate love search inspiration?

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