
 Many years ago, I accompanied my in-law to one five star hotel, in Nigeria. As we walked towards the reception , there strolled past us this septuagenarian; Golden well feed hair with  exquisite but simple and smart attire. His sports-sprint walk was an attraction, His person, charismatic and fascinating. Instantly, he not only made my day but he changed my  my world. I had just finished my West African School Certificate Examination. This man was a mirror image of what, I wanted to become. in life. This 'ocean ' of a man, became the launching pad into the seas and rivers of  life. Just one spark. One touch. One impact without a word. He became journal of love with inspiration motivation guts spark, for business creativity success. The birth of guts.  HOW GUTS  LOVE INSPIRATION MOTIVATION BUSINESS  CREATIVITY SUCCESS? How does It Work?  Through Stainless 'Guts- Nut' Protector. How much does it cost the sun to rise and set? Can it change its timing? Why does it not suddenly become a smaller light like the moon? If the moon can, would it want to become like the sun? They show us purpose. There is need to find our purpose.. One of the ways is through the positive powers of guts searching for solution . They help to pay for  the cost when we try, so as to fly. Whatever are the tons of unpleasant background,  guts derive inventive creativity by being actively curious. Let the 'G' stand for Guts", when background drags our back to the ground .Then work on the rest. ,Work hard giving it all it requires to turn things around .Guts predisposes us to search always the table of possibilities before us, inside out to work round about to apply intelligence that shows excellence . That is my story. It still works, Our background possess the nuts that are priceless and stainless when we determinedly find and tirelessly apply them with wisdom .The taste of the pudding is in the eating. You can try  it ;       BY BEING TIME CONSCIOUS. Now You Have Time ;Nativity is about Your Timing; Now  is Your Talent; Name is in Your Talent; Note Your Tactics/Techniques ; Never You stop Thinking (positively). All in all, NUT is invaluable and inevitable tool. I am emboldened, to observe that  it is like a menu with variety of dishes to serve yourself. When we understand what the purpose, we will go extra mile to pull our alluvial from  the river that flows through it. Nut is saying :, Never You get Tired through trail and error,  with great courage. Nut  the that sparks the guts. When success stories shout , failures nod in silent acquiescence .Nut provides guts with power success initiator, so that hardship does not skip the taste of inventive creativity. Why? 'Ease is greater threat to progress than hardship', Try the Nut -Guts, Get action. BECOME  SOLUTION TO PROBLEMS. From birth I carry. problem solving ability, seen in the gamete competition. as a sports athlete . Who helped us there? Most of us lose our significance because of poo or error in correspondence. The nut-guts connection, helps to correct this situation and provide right foot steps in the dance of destiny to fulfil purpose .When we empower the tiny sparks of life, the guts make the difference ,because they stir us up for reference, inference and significance. Let's Get to Understand its Terms of Service (GUTS). Crucial for business creativity. WHAT GUTS DO I NEED?  First, Develop, Discover To Recover Hunger. Nobody knows anybody better  somebody knows oneself. Begin with  the setting so as to receive notification, from the talk- back structure of business life correspondence/message. It has a lot of information vital for creative inventiveness. Take good time to study it. Am I competent to implement this task? The answer could be Yes, No, Undecided, I Don't Know, I Will Think About It , I Am Not Interested ,etc All these serve the menu dish of life to chose from. For me , nobody told me  I could do good sports, i knew it by doing and proving it. Then growing and developing it .Launching  it and diversifying its products and services. That is what it means ,knowledge from preview. Do not miss it here. For me , guts had "SIM CARD" to my digital transaction from which Initiate my :Tim Card". It Is Time Intelligent Management strategy. It is what enables us to know the Dis- over abilities and how to provide Rec-over what can answer to solve a problem, and bring progress. It is how to lay hold of the Disc' and 'Rec' using the Tim strategy .'Disc' symbolise ignorance, mediocrity, stigma, I can't, fear, adversity, etc. They discount and discredit. 'Rec' does the opposite. They work to find and establish our best through the various tests of life. Are or guts ready/

 According to our conversation, Time Intelligence Management (TIM), is like a tool box where our guts find the nut to exercise, experience and excel. It applies the strategy of a better today than yesterday as test match model for today's challenges. It engages failure with intelligent- courage-   conquering fear, and perseverance to succeed. Best by test conforms to general requirement standard, by setting personal standard . Works to live up to it and above to satisfy the regulation.      IMPROVE TO DISPROVE . OUT-PACE TO REPLACE.  The danger of complacency might become progress indecency .The lesson of economic shifts is that nothing stays forever. Does it also not suggest that justice, equity and fairness, is final arbiter in the invisible  price commodity market dynamics  'judiciary'? Nothing Stays Forever is Code Of Bureau Standards. Accordingly, there is demand and supply elasticity competitiveness, which recommends business creative inventiveness;  to improve and disprove what was impossible, through outpace to replace events.     Self knowledge should provoke curiosity creative initiative which challenges us to positive change action. From understanding what is on the ground, to knowledge of what is required to turn- around and  round about towards success. Then using the ''Guts'' from 'Nuts' Tool Box to achieve outcomes.


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