

Though I Am Not Unaware. I am valuable. I will provide a space with my worth. I am special, unique like a boutique , it is time to display that which me quintessence .Like a gem, precious not previous, curious  on the way to  top.. I Iam a verse , in the universe to write and enlighten the favor that is savour hidden in our human potential . I  am  set to fulfill my life purpose: Jewel that serves humanity well.               


We are like precious stones,(Jewel), or semi- precious stone, incorporated into a piece of jewelry, ( our body).We are people who are brilliant,  capable to be adorn or decorate as jewel.. Inspiration connects with our jewel and launch, uniqueness, specialty into action. The Digital Electronic World, product of special intelligence ,with all its wonders and beauty, sign us into new phase of life  exploration. Isn't that , adventure and display of  our' jewelry'  workshop?                   Sometimes, we window shop our Natural Deposit Or Human Potential ,consciously or unconsciously. We are unfinished  product/ service construction. We inhabit thoughts, values, feelings, emotions, dreams etc  that tweet our ' jewellery'. When I was much younger, I imagined, when will  Ib participate, in Nations University Games? Today, that's history. When we understand the sound of our tweet, our life will invariably, be  sound.

(ii). How  Your Life Jewel Inspire Success? WHEN? Now !

Things I Must Explore ( Time). Now. Our mind, like ' Super computer' browses our various body (Jewelry) ,sites receiving and transmitting information. I believe, here is the source of ,Information Communication Technology. We are the original. The visuals are copies.  We are well enough to succeed.       In the well enough phenomenum is a  'Creed'. Beliefs shape our imagination and it's diverse creativity, serving and fulfilling purpose.My foundation , root of belief, shaped and supplied the relief, which inspired,mama, as the cradle for positive change. To turn pages over from old.              In the tropics, every healthy coconut, carries water inside. To access this juice, the coconut opens up. That means, I know ,by believing, there is, inside, my uniqueness, It is human potential like 'Jewellery' inspiration workshop for creativity. The relief from window shopping my essence ,to open up and market my essence, by conscious action. This is practicable. It's amazing ,that, everyone has hidden  gem like jwellery inside. It is the life gallery not flatttery. That is well spring of Inspiration and motivation. We will customise it's ' Tweets', to find  out street lights of purpose. Time is NOW. 

(iii). What is the ' Jewel' that inspire success?     Breathe of essence , uniqueness describes  'Jewel' in this conversation. Productive, creative delight  for humanity, relish for dignity etc. It marks life great inventions, from electric bulbs to portable drinking water provision, some people call it liquid gold, for the needy.. it is using our lever to inspire others toward their general well being. Using my life technology digest, to connect with success of others. Making ICT expertise,teachable,to change lives positively

THROUGH LOVE MOTIVATION?                      Sometimes, I think aloud!  Take away love from the spread sheet of life?  What is left? Through nature, love : Freely teaches;  you have received, ( Air, Sunlight, Darkness, Vegetation, Rivers and Sea, etc. Therefore,let us freely give back. 

Love, like jewelry, share inseparable attribute of being precious. Love is like a river with vast deposits of alluvial .One of such deposits, is Motivation.  Example,Love to please, mama, was my journey fountain head. The  explorer, through the river of life,to discover and recover.                                I learned that productive environment which is was stress free ( financial stability) did improve output, boosted work attraction and  promoted delight in positive social interaction. Mama' s body language taught me some of these ,while I helped her in the market. I watched grew with emotional and financial Intelligence through practice. This helped her manage our family Farewell to extend to others Well being. It started small. Accordingly, love motivation was a teacher for other economic safety.                                                                                                                     In my place, there used to play this popular muaic' Do You Have Money'?. It soon became a parlance. As important as money is, Love is still it's master. Money is a cruel master. But a great servant.. Thehe eyes of  love sees beyound what money can buy . It moves from what man wants to want what he gets.Most of us stop short at first installment.  Most people have plenty of money  with scarcity of happiness. Motivation love  fits eyes of happiness through money.  For me it comes through helping others. 

Through Love Motivation.  Add Value.  No matter what name it answers, and type of jewellery. If it failure to satisfy required standards, it will become a disservice. The press, compress, pressure, etc are pre- requisite value added update, until it announces your presence.                             One of the greatest SELF-motivations : 'Man To Thy Self Tell The  Truth ' Tell myself about , Self Investment: Actualisation, Expectation, Reflection, Attraciion , Discipline, etc. These constitute music band of success'.

Amazing! There is a jewel, in us.  That is life travel even through gravel to unravel the well that marvels . That serves humanity well. 

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