

CONTENT DESCRIPTION: Financial Stability Can Benefit  Wellbeing From Economic Crunch, Through Love Motivation Success.

I. INTRODUCTION.                                              



1. INTRODUCTION.                                                

 Success begins by seeing its possibility even through difficult paths. It's not an illusion. There is a burning thirst and deep conviction , a product of thought, desire, ideas etc. That is cause for action to take advantage of time and opportunity.  The initiative is backed by understanding and belief in self. My fingers and toes, tell me there are twenty opportunities,  but they have a common goal. That, I am an opportunity waiting to provide utility.   Inspiration love motivation, is success search to experience and share wellbeing.                                                                                

2. HOW WELLBEING SEARCH INSPIRES?        (I) Note the Previous post'' (a) How Financial Success Creative Motivation, Inspires Love Search Engine'? (b). How Goal Income Motivation , Inspire Search Success Love Engine'? (c).How Search Livelihood Success Inspires, Motivation Love Ingenuity'?. 

Literally ,my people will say, 'whosoever can afford the funeral expenses, should go ahead. It's not the first born that is responsible for father's demise' ' Every finger should provide according to its size'.        Sometimes, strength , wisdom, understanding and skills:  Don't tell all the story, for victory, sustenance, riches and reward respectively. Soon, availability and opportunity , partake in this  business of overall wellbeing. Note the Previous post'' Think Good Business', Think Self, First. 

How do we take advantage of what we cannot control. What we can see , pays clean rent for what to expect. Note the previous post,' What Is The Cost Price Of Success'?.        Most of the lessons to learn is like a seed  that germinates to yield increase, when planted, for example, in rich soil of our mind. The seed of wellbeing. Note the Previous post'' I Am A Seed, I Germinate. Here Is The Way'? How does it work?. Wellbeing' is a state of being happy, healthy and prosperous. Welfare promotes it. Government provision of assistance to people in need, is a large chunk of wellbeing programme. 

(ii). How Wellbeing Search Inspires Works?, First,  why the search?                                          For me, I began to observe and think ,early. Now, I do understand, that's a great way to start.  Observe more, think more clearly. Nobody, told me, that wellbeing was neither a landlord nor a tenant in my home. Why? It was evicted by so many factors. First search enquiry, concluded. Here are its findings/ recommendations:.                                              (a). Develop My Infrastructure:. As always, when there is courage to start ,profit is the way. 'The young shall grow'. From little oak aprons grow. I learned to look through the challenges to where I was going. Rebuild my academic structure: it was time to make weak , candle wick of progress. The candle burns to show light. I put pressure on myself to acquire more skills, with its levers on self infrastructure projects.                                         (b). Tackle Obstacles.                                            From self- Investment, I refused to live up to the jones' . I had to cut down fashion appetite, to focus more on what was crucial. Reduced non- essential social engagements etc.                                                                        (c). Was ready to go an extra mile. Especially, as I grew up often, I had to cover other departments work schedule, to keep my job description ,tidy. It wasn't always easy. But soon, pay day will come. 

(iii). How Wellbeing Search Inspires, Work?    As well springs with water, like turbine turn water to electricity, so too we can. Natural Deposit, is like such spring, that can grow us wings to exploit our uniqueness. Note the Previous post,' Fantastic, How My Life Is Well Enough Money Success?.

3. FINANCIAL STABILITY LOVE MOTIVATION SUCCESS?                                                                 Note the Previous post,' How Guts Of Financial Stability, Takes Farewell To Welfare (b). How Is Revenue Of Financial Stability Avenue For Safety'? (c). How Is Wealth Care Success, Fare For Wellbeing'?. 

Love success, motivates  welfare, by adding value to Financial Stability of wellbeing.  Love is fountainhead  for the proble -solving , stress free environment, which can increase revenue (benefit) for fianciaal stability. Such wealth accumulation can promote safety: to preserve life and health care ; Wellbeing. Note the Previous post,' How My Life My Money Creed To Succeed, Works? 

(ii). How Financial Stability, Love Motivation Success Work?                                                          Financial stability connects with wellbeing, through love motivation success. How? Note the Previous post' How Inspiration and Motivation Harvest Is Success Of Human Potential'?.                                                               Public Sector, primarily, deals with Welfare Economics: Social + Economic cost. Finance management is branch of Economics , that studies, money, capital investment, Budget, Commercial banking etc. Financial systems provide lending and borrowing etc both to individuals and businesses. These connect with wellbeing and livelihood.                              Search Inspiration , provides  understanding how the various financial components are related and  interdependent.                                   Additional information include:                        Most economies are passing through some crunch: Shortage of time to implement planned projects;                                     Shortage of money  Or Resources. Note the Previous post,ECONO- MIX ,Makes It Fit For  Success'.                                                                Money crunch can lead to borrowing money to finance projects: Budget Deficit. Unplanned Budget Deficit can be very unpleasant .                                                             Money crunch can include inadequate resources: natural, human , Technology, infrastructure etc.                                                  Search Inspiration is important because it gives an  overview and calls for action.  Love looks beyound the problem to solutions. It draws on vitality creativity.              Inspiration launches the ideas, thoughts, dreams, visions etc.into life . It considers the pain point of the economy to add fresh value.                                                                        Motivation, takes over to supply capacity, to do work ( energy), and work effectively           ( power). These are events that occurs inside Financial Stability workshop, to reach out to our wellbeing. Note the Previous post'Is Motivation By Thought Invitation To success'?. (b). Motivational Tractors Use Human Potential To Engineer Success'?.  

( iii). How Financial Stability Love Motivation Success ,Works?                                 In Nigeria, Financial systems operate to contribute to performance of the economy. One Of The Pain Points is :                                    UNEMPLOYMENT RATES. This is the percentage of labour force that is not working.. Financial Stability should work to:. Invest in capital both intellectual and physical. Higher Investment  level makes higher productivity possible, all the things remaining thesame.                                               TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT: This applies to practical  knowledge of science in solving to   problems of commerce and industry etc.    ICT. Information Communication and Technology. Should ICT, in our Digital age not ask? If it isn't technological, Is it ,' LOGICAL'.? Can Financial Systems be stable?                       ICT is one or the fastest growing businesses in Nigeria. . It contributed about 20% , in 2020, to the country's GDP, second to Agric. That Nigeria is the third most technologically advanced country in Africa, should motivate love financial stability  work success . Note previous post, Does My Life Technology Connect With Success'?.(b). How To Make Your Life Successful With ECONO- TREND'?

In times of economic crunch, apply Search wellbeing to inspire financial stability  love motivation success .



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