
1. INTRODUCTION.                             

Life has a good. This predisposes with a mood. The wood for it's food. Most food plant seeds germinate and multiply.  Similarly, human beings have seed types. : rational thoughts, feelings, ideas, burning desire, dreams etc. These, when planted in opportunity -rich soil, will germinate, to provide means of livelihood.                               Natural deposit\ human potential,  enables us to trade various market capacity seed types for our sustenance with integrity. Love engine search success will take us there. 


( I). Livelihood In Nigeria is influenced by so many factors: population, food, currency value, income, salary ,unemployment rates, birth and growth rates, GNP, GDP, Balance of payment,  Foreign Direct Investment etc. These affect the means ; sustenance for living. 

Why Is Search Livelihood success Inspiration , important?      .                                                   Each one of us is a unit in the universe. That implies sustenance responsibility based on value input. Ever one , generally, has value: ability and capacity to earn a living. That is  payment for utility value. Market  product/ service satisfaction is provided through a clean transaction process. Note previous post,'What Is The Cost Price Of Success''?.

 Our utility source, is from internal to external. Its engine power to do work, solve problems for money exchange.                     This is where our search livelihood Inspiration begins. Note previous post' (a). How My Success Inspires Search Engine To Greatness (b). How Your Life Jewel Inspires Success Through Love Motivation.' (c).How Inspiration Motivation Activists Work Economic Success'?.                                               Birth is a down payment, account payee, non--negotiable, post- dated cheque .It's value valve to gauge our, 'Utility' exchange mechanism over time.   For emphasis, everybody has at least one unit of what makes anybody, somebody. It's often inside. That's search Inspiration first target amongst, perhaps, many others. Discover that utility. It's problem'solving target - bracket point, with life purpose agenda. Note previous post,' How Success Is Creativity Generator For Human Potential''?

(ii). How Search Livelihood Success Inspiration, works?

In Nigeria, dynamics of the Digital Age, provides , Economics , Challenges Of Now Opportunities ( ECONO) for the entrepreneur.  The Industrial Revolution centralised production system, has now filtered into one stop all purpose economic transaction unit. It's now skill and expertise flexibility able to collaborate ,one unit work with other similar units for common goal. There may be challenges, in the process but with abundant  opportunities. Note previous post (a)How  Money Honey Is Beehive Nectar For Success''?.( c). How To Make Your Life Successful With Econo-Trend'. ( Economics, Challenges Of Now Opportunities). 

(Iii). One of the best ways to work search livelihood success , is by Self - activation. The repeated emphasis is to drive this point home. Note previous post' How Life Jewel, Inspires Success Through Love Motivation'?. 

The taste of pudding is in the eating. By experience, there will often be germination by explosive mechanism. Livelihood , often has  multiple income outlets, provided for  by the search Inspiration, to ' Fire- Up' their engine. For me, sports didn't arrive as single package, too. Similarly,today, work part- time , can combine with business  to build strong team relationship ,through networking.  Point Of Sales ( POS) market business works well as multi-purpose payment point.  Good way to buy and sell with other trading opportunities.  Note previous post' Does Inspiration Pay For Success''?. ( b). is Life Give Money , Take Money Business''? My 

3. MOTIVATION LOVE ENGINE  CREATIVITY?                                                   Love provides search engine, ' know - how' , energy to our natural site depot. This power, motivates action on our rational thoughts,  burning desire, dreams, visions to achieve purpose. Example, build house, buy a car, save money to acquire skill etc. The mental life of  such project construction and completion depends on practice, knowledge, expertise. Note previous post' Is Inspiration By Thought Invitation To success:?.        

(ii). Love and passion are tyre brands of body vehicle transaction, through thick and thin, rain or shine, success or failure experiment. Growth and development of these seemingly inseparable units, is natural,  learned, practised  and improved through hard work, self discipline etc.               . The study of mental life and it's application to problem'solving situations, is scientific. The good news is that ,further studies are on going , to understand more, how the brain operates through this phenomenon. ' 'Whatever the mind conceives and  believes, it can achieve'. I was fully consumed with sports. That's how both my internal and external structures soon became adventure with future. Note previous post, Does The Eye Of Success See It, To Take It'?

(iii). How Search Livelihood Success , Motivation Love Engine Creativity.   ?               What are the economic Causes and Effects of livelihood success Inspiration?                        Causes:

Fiscal and monetary policies of government impact standard of living. During inflation money buys less than before.. Value of money has fallen.                                                   Industries might want to save high cost of buying materials for production through labour retrenchment. Unemployment will take place.

 Effects On Livelihood:.                                         A mono product economy , whose  source of income depends on volatile international market, will face effective plan implementation challenges. Example, OPEC determines what oil quantity to supply to the world, through its cartel. When oil price drop,member countries revenue falls, all things remaining thesame, with consequences. A country that's import dependent, will  arrive at inflation , due to tariff .                                                                       This is where, motivation  love engine creativity finds solution, for sustenance. HOW?    

 In Nigeria, Digital Technology, has opened a world of opportunities to learn, grow and run your own small economy. There are new Plaza bustling with commerce.  Numerous digital devices, have come to stay.            

Agriculture: Subsistence farming,  Animal husbandry: Livestock; Cattle, Goat ,Sheep , Poultry, Fishery, Piggery etc provide opportunities to boost income.                             Culture and Entertainment : African Magic channel,   Big Brother Nigeria, Cultural Exhibition , Heritage sites etc are growing sources of  livelihood.                                            Locally Made Goods.                                            Locally manufactured  equipment , assembly car plants,  shoes, assorted foot wears etc.  

  Textile Industries. Locally made fabrics which are skillfully designed ,command big market. We are society with  fabric culture  orientation . Our culture is diverse and rich.    Overall, the informal sector is strong:  Exploring, innovating, expanding new and better ways of doing things. That's success  livelihood love engine motivation creativity at work. Note previous post: (a). Act-Love-Take Away. AKA Business SSuccess (b). Success Meet  Try It, Find It.                               Wow!  We can put hood upon our lives. 


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