
Success gear combusts to create
 charactelevel.  Engages with another bodycomponents part to activate and determinedirection..It generated motion torealistic target. Able to solve complex problems by ldeveloping new to navigate and change direction to elevate life. It is capable to initiate motion in business economics ,investigate and bring progress It is entrepreneur' s tool, succeess gear to cultivate service delight and take away.  This is mixed with excitement to  keep and maintain customer loyalty.

Love Gear sets the character levels of specific purpose operation.  It engages the mechanisms of Inspiration and Motivation to change speed direction of the motion .   

 Love is another form of dedication ,passion for performance . It's equipment and technique, vary according to mental life of feelings, thoughts, emotions , attitude of behaviour  and purpose.                                       Love speed transmission, used gear selector : Activity, Appreciation, Emotion, Financial and Physical mechanisms;                                To build good people , strong mission, that thrive financially. Note previous post, ' How My Life My Purpose Is Success Under Construction'?. 

( ii). How Does Love Gear Inspiration And Motivation operate?                                              (a) Let's find out how the mind works?             The BRAIN , is control centre which receives information from both internal and external environment. These include: human thoughts  feelings ,behaviours etc. It then transforms these vast array, pieces of information into ourselves, the world around us and how we relate with it. 

(b). How Does Love influence Inspiration and Motivation through the Mind,?                  Love make us FEEL GOOD. Through it, the mind provides I Can -Do  behaviour. The feeling of I can , mentally stimulates  creativity energy. Motivation identifies the pain point of our life : Provokes search engine action idea , to create solutions.             Being loved, causes feeling inspired which stimulates motivation to be creative. Note previous post, How Love Is Engine Spark For Creative Success?.

(b) Selection Of Activity.  This is how lov influences Inspiration and Motivation.. Energy is released through Love, by Inspiration, as vibration of burning desire; for selector activity transmission . It influences speed to achieve purpose, Motivation. Example, Thomas Edison, it's over 10000 electric bulb experiments.  Sanders ,fried about 1000 chicken , Michael Jordan lost more than 1000 shots, Utsian Bolts spent more than two years,of intensive training:   before they arrived.  How,  is our gear selector switch? There is no quick fix. Note previous post' Does My Life Technology Connect With Success?.

(iii). Apart from life solving problem connection, love facilitates evolving into our essence, with time purpose: To develop something new and exciting .  This mechanism is crucial for the gear selector. In the current dispensation, Time and speed are sensation of Digital Technology.                    When I was financially cut up, many years ago. The power of love put fire on the wick of creativity. Exerting force of love ,drove initiatives in transforming things hidden as opportunities with advantage. .What didn't make sense, became new visions, experimentally profitable.  From Design Shop to intensive product marketing  . Stocking  and Re- stocking materials internally and externally. Commercials, diving into new economic initiatives etc. Though it was speed gear, love kept the wheels secured, running. It's New Age. Speed is its adage. Don't over speed. Wisdom is profitable to direct, even in business.                  BUSINESS SUCCESS. 

(I).When love inspires motivation, excitement will give rise to :.                                Practice , ideas and vision can improve with clarity.                                                             Higher energy is made available.                       More creativity is possible.                                 Creates opportunities to be independent, relevant and significant.                                      Boosts entrepreneurship.                                     That's how love works success through Inspiration and motivation. (IM). :                     

(a). PRACTICE: Love uses activity  gear selector through the IM to process busines success, and meet the need of customers.. Activity that serves with passion,   established with emotional intelligence. That carries and cuddles with empathy, wise and friendly customer service etc.                   It is business orientation with Human face action. A growth experience through lively and fresh  customer delight practice. It works through cooperation with customers which is helpful now and in future. In my Design Shop, good quality customer service was top priority. It paid good dividends. Some of them started advising us what and how to move forward. We picked some of their ideas that were viable and turned them into commercialise events, that helped us. That type of practice was like dice in  province  with providence.  Singer,Beyonce,perhaps, did not know her ': 'Umbrella' would make great waves. But it did. Practice. 

(ii).  Business Success.                                           From my background, I learned that love can  inculcate long lasting vision :prudence , rugged determination, integrity , hard work amongst many others which nourish and produce success'. That's made possible with physical activity and financial Intelligence.      Love, makes the  brain provide , resilience, courage and determination muscles . We can command and train them to do what needs to be done.                                                                We can also train to acquire relevant financial skills to understand more clearly how to take calculated risks. Apply principles of financial stability to enable a productive stress free environment. A riskless  life is risky.                                                Business Success involves pushing limits , with I' m possible mentality. Success isn't just about money is building ourselves, companies, embarking on  mission with good people, thriving financially.                                                                               

Where there is Love,  there are gear levers of Inspiration and Motivation. These do the gear selector  mechanism for business success. Wow, we can thrive financially !!.

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