




We will find it. It's available and accessible. I am valuable. A financial event with commercials. By down payment at birth, I have an asset on a financial journey. I understand my debt\equity ratio which puts  financial obligation on me. Love engine from my background, kind with compassion, is the inspiration and motivation for success.                                             


(I) Note the Previous Post''(a). Do You Want To Become Top Achiever, Check Your Bag'      (b ). Business Success Through Cost Saving Method'                                                                    ( c). What Is The Cost Price Of Success'?

Finance means management of money and other assets.                                                          It covers credit banking  and investments; commercial activity of providing funds and capital .                                                                     Obtaining or providing money for sell or provide on credit.                                                   From my background, I understood as a child, that when money falls apart, most things can not stand. Just like, there is no other way that fingers can snap without the thumb, so also man without money, relatively. There was no Stone Age without  Trade By Barter. Like the stomach, it's not afraid to stand in front. Like rams display strength to show dominance, money is romance of life. My people say, proverb is like oil with which words are eaten , so too money makes oily mouth, sweet. As in mathematics ,man is like a theorem while money is the corollary. Note the Previous Post'',' Is Money Life, Workshop Of Financial Freedom? (b ) Is Life Money, Give Money. Take  Money, Business? 

(ii). How Financial Success Creative Motivation, works? And  Why?                           My people say, when a child is asked to catch , the mouth pointed, fowl odour rat, his sender provides water to wash hands. Money activity is neither offensive nor fowl odour. On the other hand it's risk driven, with  perspiration. Profit can wash  our hands .                                                          Natural Deposit/ human potential ,carry equipment that provides vitality to make clean money creativity. But also, the water washing apparatus through problem'solving experiments  for  better life . Then wash our hands. Note the Previous Post''' How My Life My Money Is Life Under Construction'?

Our body operate the lever principle,  Just as the joints ,  which like simple machines, help us lift heavy objects or turn things around. Our birth is down payment , equity for creative investment. Such  bebt which procures assets with higher return multiplier.  Such debt can turn into financial leverage than its original worth. That's why , our natural deposit should be transformed  into debt equity ratio to provide ability and solvency to pay back to community. Note the Previous Post'' Fantastic How My Life Is Well Enough Money Success'?.

(iii). There is a pay back time to remember.. That's power drive of How Financial Success Creative Motivation works.                                  Many years ago, it wasnt clear then but now the Dots and the I''s  are connecting. Love and appreciation of mama , converted into equity capital in my life. I was very hungry to pay her back. The natural deposit was like her shareholder in my  business life. Such desire, enabled me to trade the hidden  potential ( Investment opportunities) , to acquire asset ( skill expertise, experience), with higher rate of returns. That's the commercial of human potential.                          Our natural deposit is  like a story of financial transaction.  Let's remember,  returns on its converted asset. Note the Previous Post'''(a) What does It Cost Money To Make Money? (b) I Have Defence Of Financial Intelligence. That's Why I Succeed'?

3 INSPIRES LOVE SEARCH ENGINE?                  (I). Note the Previous Post'' (a)' You Are  Amazing Artist. Create Your World'. (b) You Are In The Midst Of Plenty (c ) . Wow, Champions Turn New Page To Close A Book'.

Generally, one of the things  to succeed, in life, is debt finance management. One of our foremost challenges and experiences is Life versus Money. Why was money this early on the books. Observation as reminder? And repayment / reconciliation on balance our sheet records.  Note the Previous Post''' How Search Livelihood Success, Inspire Motivation Love Engine '?. 

 Business finance is a wise merchant. It has penchant  to make more money by  giving us opportunities for a  better convertible market worth. It's not accident but rather an arrangement . Why? Each of us, presumably, has a precursor of what life can be. We used to talk about it as children. We  still have the cursor, as initiative to body ' website'. This is like browser of  Inspire Love Search Engine. Note the Previous Post'( a)'How Inspiration And Motivation Activist Work Economic Success. ( b). How Inspiration And Motivation Harvest Is Success Of Human Potential'? 

(ii). Our natural ' website' is like broadcasting channel with commercials to motivate creativity. Here is a highlight:            I Am A Financial Success, on a journey. Able to make money begin to work and generate more or equal to  what I earned, originally.   I Am  Made Up Of : Assets. Debts, Income And Expenses: Asset ,mean useful or valuable quality, able to meet debt  and commitment obligations etc. It includes skill, expertise, experience.   Note the Previous post' How Your Life ' Jewel' , Inspires Success Love Motivation.'?                                                   Debt which invests to bring high rate of return on asset  and grow income, provided there is control on expenses .  Note the Previous Post'' How Inspiration Is My Survival Success Tool'?

(ii). Inspire Love Search Engine?                        In the face of more than  10000 light bulb experiments, various rejections, climbing over hills of deplorable past, bringing the body under control. The search engine says , I appreciate to be loved. I will prevail in my debt repayment  work and vision.                      I am a financial event happening. I have the commercials:  I am unique, like Zebra.  Though I have to stop at Zebra crossing, due to traffic obstruction, I will continue and finish well.                                                                I am value  evolving, able to pay short term financial commitment by applying  relevant principles . Example  Current Ratio = Current Asset/ Current Liability.  This is one secret of  Inspire Love Search, motivation  that keeps me on the toes. I learn ,by sarcrifice , to do substitution by  elimination to meet, no excuses, financial commitment. I go extra mile, not to fail . Note the Previous post',How Inspiration And Motivation ,Your Love Gear Business Success'?

(iii). Financial systems and structures, can malfunction. In fact,they do. Inspire Love Search Engine, prepares you for unforseen contingencies. It enables us to be pro- active, before danger arrives. How?  It helps to diversify and market asset value through multiple income streams:  strategically open new outlets, expand existing ones, try out new ways to improve customer services, learn about e-commerce, new skill, etc. Learn  how business risks work profitably. It's risky without taking wise risks. Note the Previous post', How Goal Income Inspire Search Success Love Engine,'?

We are on a ourney, with financial structure. It requires asset, like our skills etc, to make future higher earnings adventure.



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