
1. INTRODUCTION                                                   One of the greatest sponsors of money creativity, is natural deposit which is our asset. It is the foundation for invention and exploration, provided we don't resist what it requires. I was an amateur sports athlete at school. First, I believed it was possible and wanted to experiment the power and to  do what the deposit required.  Soon, that asset turned into  commercial, which helped me to activate other dormant abilities. One commercial opened up to another and they became driving force to achieve set goals. That is how life is a creativity broadcast  channel.   There is more to it.                             


(I). What Is Success?                                               Success is ability to reach set goal  accomplish, attain or progress                            It is a journey not always a destination that helps  develop skills and resources needed to thrive.                                                                      Motivate: give incentive for action.                  Commercial(s) : connected with or engaged in or sponsored .                                                     Used in commerce or commercial enterprise.     

How Success Commercials Motivate, involves how my buying and selling enterprise, provides incentive for action . Sponsors and helps me develop new skills and  adequately maximise resources that  I need to thrive.                                                     It's how social, cultural ,economic and environmental factors promote market exchange transaction toward  my desired outcomes                                                                  It's how I bring on air, through Radio and Television broadcasting  installation of my Human potential, events that make better life, for a better world.   .                                    It is how I provide incentive for quality output through various economic  transaction in the journey of life.                       It aims to achieve what I strongly desire to accomplish, by taking advantage of opportunities serving as commercials.             It's my life my money turn around on the wheels of commerce. Note previous post' How My Life Motivation Action Works My Money Success? 

ii). How Success Commercial Motivate?        What makes it important?                                    Note previous post, Is My Life Currency Market For Exchange?                                          With my Human Potential, I am advert looking for opportunities. I am commercial installation searching for  profit economic transaction.                                                     .         Our body structure and system, provide market conducive environment, for economic transaction. The Inspiration package contains 'Creativity Enhancer'. This problem'solving characteristic, makes me human. It equips me to adequately respond to its need promptly. That's value exchange transaction of give and take creativity. Example, to be  web site designer, develop web skill proficiency in exchange for its price market value. Give and Take. That's how skill development, success, is commercial ,waiting for opportunity. Soon, it's product will go on air sponsoring it's events. Note previous post, ' Success Life, Voice Of  Human Potential. Here is The Way'.                                                                 What makes  Success commercial  important?  It challenges undeveloped skills hidden inside human potential through commercial ads. These dormancy accumulate a lot of unpaid bills for corporate humanity. Had more of these been updated, the pressure on labour market will fall. More people will get jobs, average product price will decrease, 'ceteris paribus.' There will be  rise on overall standard of living.  This is how one commercial, works  for others, through Human Potential broadcast.Not previous post,Is My Life , Currency Market Of Success'? 

iii). How Success Commercial Motivates?       Accordingly, it's possible, to be both product  for  and  ads. We are well enough for this  commodity commercial, one spot economic centre.

Our natural deposit makes us Construction Site. Inspiration , identifies work type, Motivation sparks flame at workshop in cooperation with other counterparts.. The more highly skilled you become, the greater commercial you attract. Nobody needed to advertise, Thomas  Edison, Michael Jordan, Utsian Bolts, Pele, Michael Jackson,, etc. Note previous post,How Inspiration And Motivation Activist Work Economic Success'.

3. HOW MY LIFE MY MONEY CREATIVITY?.    Note previous post' (a). How My Life My Money Creed To Succeed, Works'                        (b)How Inspiration And Motivation  Harvest Is Success Of Human Potential'.           Motivation is explanation of what causes creativity, in My life My money. 

The term ' movere' means movement of activity. How does success commercial cause  creativity in My  life  My Money:.   .    

(I) By Being Self Motivated.                                   This behaviour comes from self belief.: I can. I Will. I am doing it now. One of my greatest discovery of motivation, is responsibility of activity. My mind puts me incharge to deal with the situation with mental agility to succeed..That's my life at work  for my money.                

 My mind releases positive energy  together with intellectual ability, to find a way or create one.                                                                It supplies confidence  that recharges itself In the face of failure, it  learns,  re-groups and bounces back, until it succeeds.  The major back up for this event, is understanding that ' Failure is work in progress'. That's powerful commercial for creativity  process of My Life My Money.

ii). Select People Who Are Highly Motivated. We needed to build to a house. There was enough commercials; You have no sponsor, no money, how can you start? It's worse horror to start and not complete the project.etc. But creativity is a merchandise, it has initiative to connect , contact,  to facilitate progress. Note previous post, " How My  Life My Money Is Success Under Construction'. 

So the building business , took off. I was at the centre. I had determination. That was enough. A nation that deters opposers, in this house project. However, as soon as foundation was prepared and finished. Then support , sponsors started to participate. I chose people who had same vision to build and finish.  Indeed, it's true we don't always know it all, until we start. Note previous post, ' How Motivation Inspires Creativity, For Great Accomplishment'. 

Iii). Remember Past Progress'                              We have come a long way. Personally, I have more to jubilate overcoming challenges than otherwise. ' Its true we need powerful enemy to discover ,in a greater measure who we are.'.There is a commercial in every challenge. Take time to study:: it provokes initiatives, arouses fresh curiousity, emboldens creativity to succeed. That's how success commercial advertises itself even in challenges. If you look ,it also gives outlines what outfit is needed to move forward. If we train our eye of success well, we can always do great things, creatively pay the cost.. Note previous post,: How Motivation Love, Inspires  My Life, My Money Success. 

Desire for creativity, through success commercial is what makes My My  life My Money forward-looking. 




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