
                      .  .                                 . .   .           The mindset which understands that life is is a project under construction, will connect with civil and mechanical engineering structures in our body work site. When we were building our house in the village, one major constraint was how to supply raw specified raw materials to the site. Workers were always available to continue and finish the work. Also, the  body system and structure are always on hand for raw material  of : our thoughts, ideas, vision, dreams etc. These materials need body mixer, like stone, water and cement and gravel, in the complex operation to achieve desired result.                                                          How is your body construction work project?                                                                                                                                            . HOW MY LIFE MY MONEY IS SUCCESS ?

I). MY Life Includes: Events and activities that occur in living. Conditions and motives of living. Mode of living; its characteristic state. Experience of being alive What distinguishes organic phenomenon from non- organic one. In our conversation, we assume that Construction is a coin with Life and Money print on either side, interchangeably.       

ii). My Life: Construction. From a given condition of life to navigate. In economics class, teacher taught us that a product curve can intercept below X and Y axis. That's growth from negative to positive. Some of us started like that. Then outgrow from decline to progress. WHY? I saw mama toil. I craved to stop that experience as soon as possible. Then I learned from her, hardwork: Desired her toil to empty into rich soil of my endeavour.

With determination, to please her, I came home from school sports,with seven trophies . That was the beginning. Years later, we built her a house. Note previous post, I Have A Structure, I Create The Future'. Here Is The Way.

Iii). Events and Action . Mode Of Living. Early, I had found A gold mine. It was in the human potential. It was time to nourish and make it flourish. Turn by turn, life tilted and sports became secondary in offer of preference. However, sports dividend,secured me an apartment at school, otherwise I would have squatted with someone else. We are what we have and use with wisdom. Note previous post, Turn From Potential To Success'

Soon after, I got a job, It wasn't good enough until I settled with a better one. Having learned to work hard, natural deposit started tugging again. I knew it gave me access to learn and up skill, . I enrolled into further professional career. It was good. Oliver Twist want some more.. I was curious. What next to do. Financial pressure was punching me. I wanted the best for my family. Natural Deposit voice, never , stopped' You are better than you are. ! ! Than your are capable.! !.

As I proceed with this pursuit, premise, and unveil process with the enrich motive, I dare to push the non- surpassing wealth power of human potential. Humanity need to grasp more this power drive engine of all time. Especially, to create a better world. Note previous post, Success Life Voice Of Human Potential'. .


I). Birth itself is a theorem of Success. Actualisation , the corollary. All we do is to construct and bring it into  the object of our thought: SUCCESS.

A proponent of the power house of natural deposit, foundation for every other super structure: Success, for emphasis. Human Potential is original book: Success OR Failure make up the pages. as under construction. Like seed tree, with fruits as products.     

  Engine vehicle to drive to achieve life goals. The intent of natural deposit guarantees it's contents. From my experience, we give the warrantees. Note previous post,I Am Work Under Construction. I Work What Works'. 

Ii). The vitality intellect, ( Inspiration), comits it to survive,by connecting with other body system and structure . For a definite goal, the complex and complicated network, picks a thought , and make it tangible product equivalent. . This is our problem'solving mode of living. It's characteristic state that makes succes work construction ,realized. Note previous post, How Inspiration And Motivation Activist, Work Economic Success'. 

Furthermore, human potential intent is to one become expert. That it makes us teachable , the skill acquiring pre- requisite . It enables Inspiration/ Motivation mechanism to connect our desires; For construction and implementation with other body counterparts to achieve set goals. Note previous post, I Have The Defence Of Financial Intelligence, That's Why I Succeed''. 

Iii). Is Success Under Construction. Growth and development are organic characteristics. Social/ Cultural, Political/ Economic environment are changing. So also, success being under construction. As it was , during Industrial Revolution, even as it is now, in Digital Age. Human Potential' equips and adapts us to process a satisfying condition to make this age successful. While it didn't matter, at all ,in our school days. Today, literally, if its not computer , it doesn't matter.. Has the deposit changed, Not at all. The survive intellect installation, prevails, regardless dispensation. I am an example. Computer has come to stay. We are better off, with it than otherwise. Note previous post, I'm In The New Age. I Print My Image On Stage. 

WOW, My Life My Life My Money Success Under Construction. We can succeed, as well. 


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