
                                                                       Studies show that life is longer, healing quicker, immune system works better, blood pressure lower where there is love. It pro- actively equips us to use those means in achieving good success. . LOVE: Life Of Value to Excell, AKA Creative Success.                          When love culture builds our structure, the engine makes it last longer and more durable, against body vehicle tyre punctures.  Does your engine still spark?

2. HOW LOVE iS ENGINE SPARK? I) Note previous post, (a). How Love Is Marvel Diesel Oil . Love That Makes Best, How Things Work, That's the Best Love'. Inspire in com . Engine is a mechanism which is designed to convert one form of energy into another form of energy. to operate a vehicle. Engine in French, means '' Engin'. For Latin, ' Ingeguium' . The root word is ingenious. Examples, weapons of war, such as Catapult, fire bullets, and battering rams were called siege engines. 

Love Culture expresses itself ,as energy that : has capacity of physical system to work. Design something enterprising or ambitious . Possessing healthy capacity with strong activity to accomplish. Note previous post' Act-Love- Take - Away . AKA Business Success.'

ii). The convertibility of love across business life, crowns her , the ultimate power for success. Why? Love provided ability to:. Endure struggles, using eyes of success' for creative possibilities. Induct vitality for fruitful hard work. Builds persistence, perseverance, as sacrifice for productive service. Note previous post,How Inspiration And Motivation Activist, Is Success Of Human Success.

iii). How Love Is Engine Spark. Studies show that we will live longer, We will heal quicker, Low blood pressure. .Better immune system. Make us have more good heart health. We feel less pain .

Love deposit enabled me build strong WHY culture. Mama was in Trouble, Double, Tremble to put foot on our table, often. The power of love is sower by teat. So our people think. And it's true. Teat was strong foundation for my feat. My mama' s pain must STOP.. This taught me to remove ' S' to mean Strong: to 'Top', ahead. Note previous post, ' My Life My Money Is Success Under Construction'


 Love has capacity of physical system to do work. Mama was physical embodiment of love. She provoked an ambition to accomplish great things including pleasing her, in me. Challenges along the process ignited more creativity which sought and found multiple profit outlets. That necessity is the mother of invention is true. While creativity is nativity to human potential. Any doubt. ? Dial Toll Free Number. Call Obsessive Desire. And Follow Voice Message. Be intentional and entire about it. The mind isn't empty. Let's train it to do the good things we WANT. Remove the ' W'. What's left is ANT. Replace ' W' with Win. Combine it with ' S' Strong to Top. That problem'solving formula; Win Strong. Use power of creative mind. There will be search until solution is found. As Human Potential Activist, AKA ' HPA', . I depose, : Natural Deposit is stand by. Feel it. Then Touch it. Note previous post, How Inspiration Is My Survival Success Tool. 

ii). Creativity For Success'. Our breathe isn't love transplant. No. Why? It's natural conduit in human potential wth problem'solving ability. This is love energy to be converted in solving problems through body system and structure to achieve set purpose. For me ,that is how it works. Love energy from my mothet converted the early sports spark into flames of fire. The energy changed from one to another progressively. Over time.. it's not done yet. Note previous post,' How Success Is Creativity Generator For Human Potential.' 

iii). Success Life is voice of Human Potential. When it's Creativity Talks, Money Walks. Isn't it amazing, that strated as mere thought, soon rises to dare the ought. Then it graduates to become surprise of rare product through our body process. 

Strong to Win . Win to Strong. That's my love code with mama. Soon the melody changed to : Strong Love ,Wins. Win , Love Strong. That's power of creative success. Note previous post," Success -Meet. Try It. Find It.

Isn't it amazing, how love is champion of life creativity. ? 


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