

 The body has a manual. It serves us well to understand and apply the manual. Inspiration and motivation help us follow lif manual, through a complex  system of body, soul and spirit to achieve set goals. For example, what started as a rational thought, goes through work process to make it a tangible product equivalent.  The success harvest of human potential.                                                                                                                 HOW INSPIRATION MOTIVATION HARVEST ?

I). The origin of growth and development is embedded in human potential. We assume  that snce its seed natural, reproductive implications are not in question.  Accordingly,. principle of germination apply. My biology teacher, taught us about explosive germination. This caught my attention more  than natural seed soil germination . Why ? The seed dispersal method lend credence to our converse , Genius  Inspiration Plus .                                    

 INSPIRATION.: Means breathe . Blow on ,to spark flame of fire. It's dimensions are Spirit, Soul and Body. The three configure as one in purpose. The flame of, Life Vitality, Intellect etc.    The process of achieving purpose,  begins with THOUGHT  in the theatre of imagination. That's why ,the mind is everything .' He who has no imagination has no wings'. The thought empowers the brain , to serve us, achieve set goals, grow and develop. How ? By  the means of inspiration. Note previous post, ' Does The Price Of Inspiration Pay The Cost For Success'? 

ii). The breathe imparting life vitality intellect, connects muscles with bones, in the our complex body structure and system . To do construction work and finish it. There is a lot of communication, coordination, transmission. Through vast network to enable us  broadcast ,telecast of  physical product outcomes. 

Our brain, like super computers, is at the centre of operations, the process that started as a thought. As little as one THOUGHT with Inspiration endorsement , intellectual cooperation, in association with other facilities and faculties, changes to yield desired tangible results. It isn't magic. It's heroic initiative. Genius of Inspiration. Note previous post, Isn't Inspiration Like Rocket Launcher Into Satellite Of Success ?

Iii). How Inspiration/ Motivation Success.        The plant is green as long as adequate water is supplied. This is live vitality intellect in operation. On our part it engenders, energy, perseverance, resilience, life protection, passion, obsession, etc. Like a seed , when it sprouts, various measures and means are applied to nourish and care for it to grow and develop.                                                            Motivation for  thesame  purpose, pursues agenda on a continuum to activate new intelligent experiments as and when applicable to achieve purpose. Note previous post, ( a,) How Inspiration And Motivation Activist Work Economic Success. ( b). Isn't Motivation By Thought Invitation To Success'. 


     I). When Success Encourages Others To Succeed..                                                       Purpose of Inspiration / Motivation is to invest vitality into  low life flame and kick start it to fullness. When such  success news make  waves. There is  joy, celebration ,it steers courage to look back again,  at what was considered impossible. Then go and say I' m possible.  Theses are Stories that change lives  positively like :Michael Jordan. Michael Phelps, Usian Bolt's, Tomas Edison, Nelson Mandela, Albert Einstein , Mike Tyson etc.  The  harvest  of  world record 100 meters Olympic,  at under 10 seconds has challenged the world. Gallant competitors are on stage. Note previous post, How To Make Life Successful With Econo-Trend'.

 Ii). Harvest Success Of Human Potential.

i)  Under one global market, the universe transacts as Digital Economy. Economically thinking as one overall market stall. A one stop all service provider. Being under watchful eyes of Communication and Technology. It all started with Ideas of forward thinkers who knew where the  economic shift was tilting. That's was the sport of Inspiration ingenuity Motivational  vitality of life into the future. With forward thinking Intelligence .  Still where next is economic phase opening into? Note previous post, How My Life My Money Works Success That Succeeds'. 

iii). Most great names of all times, did not give up on their human potential. Today , their harvest still encourage us. They were resolute and have become astute examples. Hellen Keller, who became deaf and dumb . She did not cross her legs on the cross road of fate. She became first blind woman to earn a degree                                                              What of the Australian born Vick Vuijicic without legs and hands but he did not surrender to social and natural chalenges. Today, he has become a life changing Inspiration. And the list goes on  Note previous post, Motivational Tractors Use Human Potential To Engineer Success'. 

Inspiration is a genius. Translates what is hideen purpose . Connects us with first hand vitality  life Intellect. to  achieve purpose. 

We can determine to a large extent what life can be, when understand its content and apply our intent on it. This is done through Inspiration and motivation, to activate your success through a body  system and structure process. 

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