
We have economic ability to express inner self. Through learning and cognition , we can identify and connect with potential asset to grow and develop its expertise. This we can  do by resource allocation  and hard work to be able to face world competitiveness.       


LThe silence of our hidden  deposit is opulence without defence. Had I not spotted this fountain, my faucet, probably, would have run dry. Being  emboldened, by experience, I am encouraged to awaken us more than  before to the call of  universe. 

There is  knowledge that gives us edge as humans with One (UNI)  purpose to SERVE: Using our endowments. :.                                     To change us and universe for better       Make changes in our perception and  induction about human potential.                       Rectify , bring, lead , adandon ignorance    and conduct life with  a forward looking approach   .                                                              Self improvement by alteration                          Change to better life through Economic Success.


I). Like a box of matches, if you don't pull out from the box a match  and spark fire, there will be no flame. So  it is  with the flame of our human potential. 

The match box symbolises Inspiration and Motivation. Their  work is  activist in operation . Inspiration: Breathe that fill us  with extraordinary ideas about ourselves, spurs on, encourage, prompt us etc. 

Motivation : Energy of mindset.  As breathe from Inspiration, it takes over, thoughts, ideas, dreams, visions , and dress  them with obsession outfit by  passion. Then it goes  through a process to achieve desired outcomes.                                               Motivation builds mental strength , resilience ,well packaged and secured to display various kinds of intelligence to get desired results. These comprise  Activist tool kit. Note previous post, Captain Inspiration Assisted By Motivation- Love On Flight To success'.

ii). How  Inspiration And Motivation Activist?                                                                 Using the ECONO principle, there is more to gain , when there is Activist inspection structure . Especially, to derive best interest returns when  resources allocation alternative  yield more profit for less effort. 

We need to understand what guides the Activist to choose one method than the other, to maximise results.  In my days, not now, to major  in Physical Education and later become, professional coach was not best economically. Had I not been assisted both by  activists powers within and without, I would have derailed from attaining better life purpose comparatively. Note previous post,Does The Price Of Inspiration Pay The Cost Of Success? 

iii). Like is  tool to work with. The work of tool is  tool of work. Experts say that   10% Inspiration and  90% perspiration is good combination for success. When the WHY to succeed is strong enough,  allure of failure will rupture. There will always be activist censure to ensure set goal is achieved. Note previous post, Enquiries Requires Inspire To Perspire To Success'. 


I). Beauty of work is  excitement of anticipated outcomes. What will happen if there was no work? All living things work to live. Not live to work. Nature has provided us with work tools:                                                  They have structure and system  :

That enable us work what works                     Market exchange transaction mechanism with price value  determination for  our commerce.                                                               Tellers with Till of valuables etc.

Accordingly, there is work to do. There is also too for work. We will move forward on  how activists operate, having laid down their  principle earlier. Note previous post, Is My Life, Currency Market Of Success'"?

ii). Work Economic Success?                                   When  I thought about starting Design Shop, I had spent enough time brainstorming. :.                                                      Did feasibility study: history of failure and success and why.                                                    Preparation, planning, Implementation, monitoring, evaluation, recommendation ,review. 

 Where possible, involve experts.                         Take special interest to know  cheapest sources of quality raw materials.                        Be clear about total cost  and expected revenue. Understand all the logistics.                    Start small and grow over time. Note previous post'What Is The Cost Price Of Success''.

Ii). Forward Thinking Economic Success. .   To  be champion is good. But keeping your title and staying on top is bigger work.  There is what works well for business  sustainance. Find it and  follow. Modify what fits and builds the business. 

We started with stocking plain raw materials. Soon competition and profit started falling.  We added more diversified hot demand. Then customers wanted us to plan and start designing and sowing . 

We did , CREATE our brand, followed a trend. improved on  it. Then expanded our market  to target teen-agers. Improving our designs on  display with styles to attract that age bracket.

 We move ahead to give them customer delight. Call Back Attraction small  free shop take away. Sound customer service. They gave us more and demanded more in return. Note previous post." Econ o- Delight : Basics For  Business'    Success''.

iii). Work Economic Success.

Every product life cycle, depending on classification, : is Short , Medium or Long Term.  The activists caution, dig your wells before you need them.

Be clever, smart , stat investing before you need it. Spend enough time to study it. Seek guidance from people who have achieved what you need. People with success, relevant experience and Integrity. 

Don't start until  you understand basics.  Success is always work in progress. Note previous post, Inspire Spar Under Bar. And Steer To Success?

Inspiration and motivation activists, promote substitution by elimination, so as to improve high performing economic abilities and gain higher success. That means investment should be stepped up to maximise their creativity with more earnings. 



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