

     Economies are not enemies , when pennies lose their goal kicks at market transaction. Some economies are passing    injury time .Some are alteady at penalty trials. But before game over , soccer square change to opposite sides of  play ground,according to the rules of soccer. Money alAction Talk Inventiveness, explores how responsiveness to economic change will bring success. It considers the elasticity component of price market competition. The responsiveness of demand and supply to changes in price level. And to experiment money action inventiveness to move forward, especially in West Africa Sub Region

WHAT DOES MONEY ACTION INSPIRE?   Elasticity economics is under focus. All power is within us. We can do anything and everything that is positive.   In the power of creation, creativity  is engine of responsiveness  To create means ,bring into existence, make or cause to be or become.      Promoting construction or creation. 

Causes Of Creativity. Change is the forerunner of creativity. It is often,  born out of challenges. Originality, comes into field of play from reserve bench. Hidden treasure arises to the occasion with assurance. It comes to find solution with Inventiveness.    Like pot on  tripod stand , with construction materials available so is creativity, in the experiment of life to achieve purpose. This is investing and processing creative activity for  producing or manufacturing. To bring something good into existence.                   

 Many of us will awake the genius in us, when creativity  determinedly, demands it Creativity  impels activity to bring something  to existence. Like the mother that corrects a child. To some of us , change and  necessity had to pulled our ears and take us by hand to our reserve awakening.

There is a verse, to for us write something,  in the blank space of universe. We are equipped creatively to design ,construct  something positive, into existence. This is money talk focus especially in times of economic dearth.

What Needs To Change? Think about bout basic need. Life is a construction project. Sometimes, it requires more of one material and less of another, to achieve optimal resource allocation and price responsiveness. Fundamentally, basic human need include: Food, Clothing , Shelter , Education etc. Through the power of creative imagination, we can  figure out what works best. It requires analysis. Income does not change as fast as expenditure. FOOD: we were told three meals each day. But at school, when clthe chips are down, we alter meal schedule, to skip and  still be fit. Sometimes, it was 010, 101, 001 etc. SHELTER is vital, according to our income. Do away with unused space. Adjust accordingly. Move to low cost  housing areas etc. CLOTHING is luxury, in a sense.  We can avoided the fury of living with designer's, items; Build houses, go into estate business etc.                                                 Money Action  Talk Inventiveness. Diversify income source. Only one income is  dangerous. Very risky.  When suddenly the rains come with flooding, how would you stand. Always keep a 10% of income as savings. Then find income yielding project. Cut down on expenses. Plan and Budget. Live within the scale of preference. Make little room for error 'margin'. Contingency fund can be build up. Pursue relevant knowledge. Update it's ledger, regularly. It benefits early, daily, yearly. Cultivate lifestyle of learning.  Build strong team relationship. Network. Follow tried , trusted and proven financial organisation, whose pillar is training and skill Empowerment. Practice makes perfect

 How Does Money Action Talk Inventiveness Inspire Love Creative Success?                          BE KIND. Help the needy, less privileged persons, motherless babies home, etc.              INTERNET CAFE. Provide facilities for learning skills at subsidised rate or for free.    SPONSOR EDUCATION.Give scholarship etc.  PROVIDE EMPLOYMENT. Help job seekers connect to their life purpose etc.

The changing times are our signature tunes into venture that builds up the structure for future. It is money action talk awakening us, to a new life with discoveries.What can be recovered from what was previously offered but overlooked.? Knowledge to manoeuvre potholes and bumps on life travel with original power of  inventiveness . Through terrains of adversity to with diversity profit for humanity. Money action talk, inspire life process to success, motivate destiny moulders, boost empowerment enhancers , stimulate education providers, steer up sponsors of game changers, new life givers. It is Money Talk Success, Motivating Love Inventiveness and lifting humanity. Making Life Better. 

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