




       WITS.                                                                 From start, on the move, wonder.                      Without formal knowledge to ponder.              Struggles, direction to find  wander                  Bundles , self to express begin tender.             Hustles, as nothing, moves to the border.       Wrestles,  self  to conquer surrender.               Styles , with brilliant colours  reminder.       Miles run ,time set , to top, defender.               Smiles, give to world, fame to render.              I Am 'WITS '   .


Note previous post, ' How To Make  Success' With ' ECONO- TREND'.                                     .  .I). Basic human power of Intelligence, thought and perception, Wits . When adequately packaged could produce a fortune. Especially, when cleverly woven , in the direction that general things move. 

Wits, dressed up as fashion can make popular taste at a given time. Soon to trend with atrraction, that can swell as brand.          .When human potential measures it's full size, it soon doesn't need anyone to introduce brand. Note previous post, ' ' 'ECONO- MIX' Makes It Fit For Success''.

iii). Follow ' Econo-Wits'. The difference is clear when business' menu serves customer delight as a desert. It tells it's story when it arrives in the community. And sells the rapport with pride to  others. Entertainment as pertinent in  such service, boosts  it's atrraction with prominence. The ECONO- concept is Scarcity and choice resource management whose next best alternative is always a positive. . That's wits on top to maximize advantage. Note previous post,' ' 'Econo-Delight',Basics For Business Success. 

iii). Always searching for new and  better  ways to do old things: Econo- Wits. The Digital Age is here with speed of change. It's our new outfit. Increasingly, the New/Old swop , soon,  may become way of life. Note previous post, ' If It Is Not New? Then  Make It New'.


Note previous post, ' How Motivational Tractors Use Human Potential To Engineer Success''. 

I). We are all fitted with gadgets / devices that can launch our processed human potential,  like  rockets into satellites, to make the world better. We have radio room broadcasting apparatuses, which can't transmit because of inadequate knowledge of rules and principles, to apply. Note previous post, ,Isn't Inspiration Like Rocket Launcher Into Satellite Of Success''. 

Ii). Want Amazing Success? It sees a future , where general human welfare shall climb to exponential digits. This will be possible when ,more of the unused human potential go digital. The greatest engine into this utopia, is self awareness..If we don't fully use what we have, we will still fall short of that original set target. Note previous post,' How To Use Motivation To Achieve Set Goals'. 

iii). We have amazing pasture  for success. Often, we don't graze  our land with WITS. To harness it's mind- blowing wonders. We also wonder, if we can do something thing today ? Yes. We can make everyday count. Retake, and Reshape our destiny. Note previous post ' Want To Get Back Top? Check Your Backyard.'. 

iv). Want Amazing Success? Great.. It's awesome to stay  up there. Keeping in mind still, to remake a better  world. We will stay fresh to new ideas, with open mind, . We can  be more alert to monetize  opportunities , clean, within and outside the environmentb Note previous post, Monetise It. Use Success Connect Digest'. 

That's ' Econ+ Wits! Amazing Success. Follow It.. 

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