




The Thought.                                 .                         I am anything and everything,this thing.         I am everywhere and anywhere all things.     I am  abstract yet, tract, extract  for things.      I am concrete , tangible in anything.               By me are things imagined , just as nothing    By me all things communicate other things.     By me is  LIFE that talks through things.        By me one world ,word round about things.   Born in mind, universe habitat, same thing.   Breathe to respire or expire life this thing .     The Thought.


I). Thought:  main thing you're thinking about.                                                            Process to consider things carefully, using the mind.                                                            Organised belief.                                                  Belief not found on proof or certainly. .        .   Clothing  on thought with outfit:.          

That is the thought. Imagination that has proof of its product equivalent.                  Beliefs through which we connect to infinite   intelligence as of   unconscious  mind              It's beyound physical science, supernatural not superstition.                                                     It's new knowledge level for more brain exploration.     Note previous post, Cease To Ponder, 

ii). Can Motivation By Thought Be Invitation to success? 

The development, humanity has recorded over  time, often , started as thought  imagined, conceived as preview before  reality.    This is energy recharge for more success.

The New Age has brought speed into  menu of work dishes to delight. Electronic precision is on offer as a delicacy . The thought which started in our  ' computer' like  brain , is  shaping us into greater level of performance. 

The mind of nature which speaks through its numerous designs, has provided structures, as prelude, to construct their counterparts. Air plane has taken after the shape of birds, ships like fish, sharks etc. Thoughts are still redefining our space, from locomotive train to electronic version that goes at 600mph . Roja,- Roja phones have given way to smart iPod  brands. If one can imagine and feel its vibration? Passion brings action to destination.of success' Note previous post, ' Champions Turn A Page To Close A Book. Can you?

iii). Furthermore, Motivation by thought attract us to what we have inside. How?          We are all magnets. Like attract like . We become and attract what we think. Sadly, I have experienced the negative consequence of dominant  negative thought: FEAR. It's one experience, Too many. Too Loud.  Awful.         What we expect within ,ourselves when backed with confidence, will become self - fulfilling event. This is obvious when backed with tenacity . And never say die attitude.   

 Our becoming is in front. We can determine our life and give it direction.   We are reflection of how we consistently think about ourselves , others and circumstances. Added to laws of attraction, expectation and reflection . This one is exciting. That the universe serves our desires and interests, with circumstances, events  that harmonise to their realisation.   This one thought  is taking me, through ,life  matrix: Sports. Note previous post, ' Wow.  I Have A Structure.I Cteate My Future'. This Is The Way'.

3. BE INVITATION TO SUCCESS?                          I). The most outstanding delight , power and wonder of motivation thought ,is its Life - Giving package. It tends to answer not only  to the immediate . But  that which most often is holding  us down  to  unfavourable past. It  supplies equipment that inter phases the present with the future. Now I can look back with more clarity.  

That kind of thought, in creative mind, starts to arrange, events, people and circumstances. That correspond with patterns of our emotional longing, feeling and vibration.  This triggers self- motivation which supply inner energy , the spirit  that makes us come alive. 

Rusticated from university. Nobody to blame He went back to edit the outcome. Discovered his error. Out of the ashes remoulded himself  and Re- channeled his life. What was the thought? Stronger WHY! The went ahead, became game changer in the family. Note previous post,' Dare To Blare? Charge Tare Against  Your Success.'

ii). Invitation To Success.                                      Motivation moves your thoughts and emotions. These need to be charged energetically to the point, where we take actions. 

Is there not a cause for every matter.? Cause and effect.? So also when why is sufficiently strong, it will produce a desired effect. How? A strong why creates persistence action, finds personal  fuel for higher purpose that can overpower excuses, go through tough terrain to hit set targets. Note previous post,How Motivational Tractors Use Human Potential , Engineering To Success'. 

Iii). If it isn't motivation fully loaded, Success' may not download. What creates power of motivation is 'Inside: I Can, I Will.  I'm Doing It. Thinking thought. Doing Thought. Achieving Thought. ' I came!  I saw! I conquered! Note previous post,'I Am Work Under Construction. I Work What Works. This Is How. ' 

YES! ! ! Motivation By Thought,  Can Be Invitation To Success'.? 



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