


3. HOW CAN I ?



Strategic eagje. Fantastic not mystic.                With the raven on its back.                                  Unruffled it cruises on.                                  This is noiseless war                                              Tactical victory is sure.                                        Don't mind the flight.                                          The raven will stiffen                                            When it's air is smitten.                                        Voiceless weapon without stress.                      I am Eagle. I dazzle.!


I)  With it's bright keen eyes, rotating around it's socket . Strong with focus, penetrating with visual acuity. Wonderful to behold. Silent courage with raging determination to conquer. And conquers without dispute. Declares, I am of king of the sky. Amazing..

Ii). Excitement to watch, the white eagle when it perches. Folding it's wings with intimidating dignity that announces  rulership. Clothed with kingly charisma which emboldened it's  display of royalty. It portrays aura that transcends the ordinary. That confers it ,privilege as messenger of the Highest God.

iii). Eagles symbolise amongst other things loyalty and devotion. Watch the tenderly care of mother eagle teach baby eagles how to fly. Picks them up  towering heights releases them . Then spreads her wings to carry them to safety. Devotion with tinge of dazzle..

Iv). It represents Freedom. Lucky Dube , South Africa, sang ' I'm  prisoner, '  Human rights include: right to liberty, freedom from slavery, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education and many more. The eagje dazzles. Borrow a leaf.


I). We have power to do anything and everything. Our mind is everything. Everything you can imagine is real. The mind is tool workshop that make things dazzle. 

Without the leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose excitement of possibilities. Dreaming after all is a form of planning. The universe has gone through levels of dazzle from stone age till now. There are no limits to this experience except the ones we create. Space shuttle is here. What a world. And more to dazzle are in the pipeline. Let's make more  use of our tool kit. Then we can dazzle again.

ii). Just like the eagle is a symbol. Man also is an image of his creator. Like a tree after its kind , so too man. In our image is the root of imagination, which is a golden path to everywhere. The epicenter of our creativity.  The hub that mints what dazzles.

iii). Eagles signify inspiration to :                   (a). Release from bondage. ' Man is born free but everwhere in bondage, says the song writer.  This should help  free  ourselves from self imprisonment. What dazzles that can be.

 (b). Move with speed. Time is money. Like the water that passes ,so is time with all its alluvial deposit. Our new Age has unbelievable speed for new products/ service delivery.  Speed is possible, with glamour of new technology. 

Iv). Cultivate profitable foresight.  Nothing dazzle like being at the fore front when business' matters  most. The advantages and leverage can be mind blowing. Our design shop foresaw what the next fashion brand was to be . And it was good.. We were there early. 


I). Opportunity is a haughty goddess and wastes no time with  unprepared.  The strength of the eagje is its power of vision and precision of attack on target. From very far away location, it could target and pick a fish with its talons from the sea. It's plan and goal setting is flawless. Thats for our example. Double efforts if we must ,

ii) The eagles like the air plane moves against the wind. Facing opposition is a way of life. When everything happens to be going the other way, you are on right track.  OP-  (Opportunity to Put you in )- Position again. Dazzle through the cloud.

Iii). It you want to buy things without looking at the price tag. Then go through the unchartered waters and fly with eagle wings through moisty cloud.                                           When eagle pick objects that is heavier then their size? Have you asked why is that? Should the eagle answer' How much more du you know about symbol of my Divinity? 

iv). Friends told me about the eagle. That after it has become sufficiently old, it flies to the top of very high mountain. There it will shed it's old  covering'. And put on new stuff. Amazing.                                                             Eagle dazzles. We an too, through the cloud. 

azzle through it 


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