




What Do You  See?                                                 Far away in the sky                                               Shines with splendour , try.                                Only peaches, apricots not flurry.                      And many orchards ,salad not story.                 It's near to touch with hand not weary.           That's  the story to share , cherry .                     What Do You See? DELIGHT.


You can check my Post'' ECONO- TREND . AWESOME WAY TO SUCCESS'.

I). Why Is Delight Basic.?                                      Delight is about providing a remarkable experience to  users through focussing on their needs, interest and wishes. It is the process of exceeding a customer expectation to create positive experience , with product or brand. 

The business' that has' icing ' of delight is superior because it  goes beyound the core of profit making. It embellishes rapport with customers and provides non- quantifiable positive emotional needs. This is basic to success'. My posts show some of the emotional chalenges clients go through . You can check: ' What Makes Money, Breaks Failure'. 

What Is Emotional intelligence? (EQ).       .        It is defined as ability to perceive,use, understand, manage and handle emotions.  Our daily flight should  should be on wings of growing relationship and understanding with customers. And maintain it with delight at all cost. Any wrong word to a customer could trigger  explosion with exponential unpleasant surprises. You can read my Post' How To  Use Motivation To Achieve   Set Goals'.

iii). Delight includes Emotional intelligence. EQ  makes use of  self awareness to recognise and understand our moods and emotions and how they can affect others. With training, we can provide pleasant surprises to customer. And it has a pay back too. Especially ,when customers inspire you cheerfully to do more. Laughter is Timeless. Smile is matchless. Powerful tools of delight that's basic to success. 

Iv). Emotional intelligence of self- discipline can cause delight, to control impulses and think before talking. This includes solving other pain points , quickly as priority. Being there for them. Deliver what was sold. Celebrate with them etc. Many years ago I paid a heavy price because I failed to honour an invitation. Thees things matter. You can check my Post'' Turning Point From What You Have In You, To What You Are. '. 

v). Delight is basic . When we use internal motivation as fuel for empathy, to send genuine messages and bring experiments to clients.  It could be through social skills needed to handle and influence other people's opinions beyound expectations. Using communication skill . Recognising persons sad and asking : If they are ok ?  Conflict management etc. 


You can check my Post' Marvellous Thriller With Unknown Teller'.

I). Delight will boost productivity because of customer Call Back To Action prompted by delicious service. Profit will rise because delight, is promissory note  for the beyond expected service provided. Give people something good to talk about. That's how to keep polishing your brand. Example, empathize with customers. Whatever right you can do, to make customer feel special, go ahead and do it. 

Use social skills.  Ask, can  I offer drinks , if its very hot. Switch on Air conditioner etc. Do it cheerfully, expecting nothing back . Not very long ago, I went to buy grocery . 'I will sell to you. I like your smile. '  was the talk back.  A reminder long ago, similar things that put  our shop in front plus other attractions. Let's use our uniquess for prominence. That's what makes  for business success. 

ii). Sometimes, the days wear too much  seriousness. You can nauseate. It isnt general principle. Bring some entertainment into business' if it's allowable. The eletronic devices are doing good job. But humans are humans. Workshop isn't a play around. Workers need to cultivate an environment to boost productivity. You can check my Post'  Ball In The Next . No Injury Time. 

Iii). Business success , connect, collaborate and cordinate ,one with another. Our thoughts, emotions, feelings, to cause ability and relate with one another to achieve set goals. You can check my Post'' I'm Work Under Construction. I Work What Works.'. 

iv). Engage others with open mindedness, in the principle of success for one , success for all. Amazing Network with leverages. You can check my Post' Does Money Talk? What Will You Say?. 

Emotional Regulation, involves Self Discipline that controls the mind at all time and regulates action. This engages action to perform tasks with profit. 

All these and more produce celebration that makes brand remarkable, attractive, motivational. Example, Michael Jordan, who after missing more than 1000 throws, still is a basket ball legend. What a delight. 

v). Delight as basics for business' success touches the heart, which is central and often emotional in  decision making. This creates a process to endear customers to products. Based on strategies, this could be first step to making brand, begin to create a trend. . Exampleg Nike, Cocoa etc. You can check my Post. Do You Want Romance With  Gold?  Here Is  The  Price.

Delight is the b

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