





Scarcity and Choice,                                            Principle in study of economics.                        For economy, Public and Private Sectors.        One world economy for all.                                 Where every choice is risk related.                  Under invisible hand of demand and supply   Limited income chasing unlimited wants       Risky business' of scarcity and choice      Scale of preference become an arbiter .           Escape route for risk takers.


I). Number one  item in scale of preference  list, is Self - Improvement.  ' Don't be like a parrot but can't fly. Be an eagle that's silent but has ability to touch the sky. Learn in silence,but let your knowledge roar like Lion to signal strength. That's escape route.

ii). Challenges will always be  teaching aid to take us to the next level. Let's  learn from them very quickly because they are better trainers than success. Don't fail to find escape route from each challenge. They are washing machines which make us cleaner than before though they toss us  from one side to the other. Discover how to fail until you succeed.. Don't let failure get to your heart. Nor success to your head 

iii). Organise your space. . Create a good work environment. Find out what serves you best and what doesn't. Love what you do. And do what you love. Don't cease to learn from all conditions to profit . Especially, when there is much to learn from what you don't necessarily want / like.  That's escape route.. Learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable. No pain no gain Maximise and  optimise your day. 

iv). The greatest weapon of escape route is your mind. It contains enormous power. Train it to do what you want. First, cultivate it with relevant skills. This is ICT age. Immerse the mind in its know- how. Be lost in it. Find the escape route. Exercise your mind to like, digital device. The good news is that it is user friendly. If you put in the work, you'll be addicted  to the progress and fall in love with the process.


You can read my post: 'I have Defence Of Financial Intelligence. That's Why I Succeed  '1).The following will serve to escape from business' escapades.:

 Do some review of the business you wan to pursue. This offers preview of what it's ' world,' will look like: Failures,and reasons.? Successes and how?  Problems and solutions?  General direction towards the future.? 

Make frantic consultations, rub minds as much as possible.with people who have what you need.  Verbal and physically . Ask questions. Probe the business with more  proven achievers. That's sure way to play safe.

ii). Planning. and Budgeting.  From theory and practice of project  management. This can be very challenging. What actions to take and  how to organise the various stages, implementing,  coordinating, evaluating monitoring ,to achieve set goals. Reporting what has been achieved. And recommendation. 

Iii). Focus on where to locate business. Find out how to source raw materials with comparative cost advantage. Think about products pricing and how to  attract and keep customers. Think about improved customer service regularly.etc. 

iv). If you don't plan .. You plan to fail. How to  maximise capacity of plants.. How to improve condition of work place to  boost productivity and efficiency. How will love, bond workers together to freely give their best and maximise capacity?  Under capacity utilisation adds to overhead cost which push prices up. 

Think about having plan to find new locations where products could be marketed.. Being excess supply , perhaps when there is full plants  capacity utilisation. 

Or switch over production to new but related product. When our textile shop was booming , soon there was competition and turnover started to fall.  We stated a design and tailoring outlet attached to main business. Escape from business escapade.


I). Risk taking is important for business success. :

(a)Innovation and constant improvement must keep on being motivating idea of our generation throughout the 21 century.  That's success mind- set of this age .

(b). It encourages invention which is crucial as  product/ service  differentiator. Failed risks are aren't always negative. Sometimes, they provide most valuable business lessons an entrepreneur can learn.

(c). Failure helps shape future business strategies and can eventually lead to business' growth. 

Ii). Risk taking plays vital role when it pushes us outside comfort zones, to help achiueve healthy gaols. Sometimes, though, it  may have negative outcomes.  The Covid 19 outbreak took it toll on medical staff around the world. Today , greater number of lives have been saved from the mutating virus , because it can be treated successfully.

iii). Risk taking allows us to expand the parameters and variables in our experience. We can increase the number of events that can arise: Space shuttle, air car plane,  drones and assorted satellites in the orbit. The world is moving forward. 

iv). With every risk conquered we move past the fear of failure. We find new ways to make more incremental risks with incremental results. Incremental success'.

This opens help avenue for people who seek help from Calculated risk takers. 

Wow, , Find Escape Route From Business' Escapade Into Success'.


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