




Where Is The Address?                                         I' m not misery.                                                      I'm not penury.                                                       I' m to have mercury.                                          'I'm made to think economically.                        I' m not beggarly.                                                     I brood to be better eagerly.                                I'm not history.                                                        I ' m come with  a story                                        I' m ' ECONO- MIX'                                                Where is the address? 


' Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure'.

Percy Miller . AKA MASTER P is an example. Rapper, NBA Player, Movie Star, Producer, Shoe designer, Sports Agent, , Inventor, Philanthropist, Business' Man. This man lived 100 men 's dream. Celebrate him. This is like  the matrix . The storey . Our concept in  ECONO- MIX' personified. The mystery of the power  beyound measure .

At school our Statistics teacher taught Matrix. What caught my fancy was the Row and Collum principle. As single unit doing business  exploits according to rules. 

Read my Post' I Am Construction Work. I work What works Best. 

There is a rule which matrix follows in the Row and Column operations. So too, we are a body with substance in which the tissue cells are embedded . An enclosure within, something  originates or develops, as a system.. Our body example, like matrix, is reproduced by business system . We are power beyound measure. Example, in a matrix structure, individuals work across teams and projects as well as within their department  or function. 

A project or task Team might include engineers and design specialists as well as those with marketing , financial , personal and production skills. 

You can read my Post' I have Defence Of Financial Intelligence. That's Why I Succeed'. Dated 2/ 03/ 23. 

Econometrics , the application of mathematics and statistics to the study of economic and financial data. 

Economics is the study of scarcity and choice. It's how to engage what resources do best at cheapest cost alternative in  market  dynamics.

'ECON - Mix. ' an amalgam of business' principles and applications to make   business success possible.  Check my Post' What Does It Cost Money To Make Money". 

It will never be enough if we bathe our  mind set with we are inadequate stuff. Knowledge is information that's cashable . An enabler and  Developer. Experience is the best teacher.


You can check my Post' Do You Want To Deliver? Get The Lever . Dated 10/04/ 23.

I). By study, we were taught advantages and disadvantages is division of Labour and Specialisation. Amazing. Experience teaches.that ultimate knowledge is to  discover all that push us beyound .To complete or close up any vacuum that knowledge  can answer . And uplift humanity. We are ECONO- MIX' to fulfill that  purpose. There is still much embedded and enclosed that needs to be developed. You're fit for success. Use the ECONO- MIX' kit.

Ii). Care about the process. Not just the outcomes. What's is readily desirable is the process, because it can  still provide access to new things.  The faucet never  runs dry. 

At school, the philosophy was 'Go through the school and let school go through you. Both in  knowledge and character.  

Get up into the  continuing  process of Digital Age. YouTube has made us a better generation predisposed with knowledge. That's what fits you for success'. Twice as much: With your ECONO- MIX' mind set.

Iii). Fail by action. Not By Inaction. No one never fails who tries Tough things the first time. There is failure on the road to success.  When you trip. Get up continue. Forward ever. Backward never. Most world heroes emerged from the throes of failure. .

iii). Acknowledge your own power. We will never know what power we have until after the last breathe on the canvass , we still got back up. 

You're in possession of  qualities especially, mentally, required to get something done well.  You're in possession of controlling attributes to build you economy and become very wealthy. You're Econ- mix. Work out the matrix. 

iv). Net work with your betters. Time is short. Successful people aspire to make a difference with their time. Build strong relationships with people who share thesame vision with passion.  Explore the advantages, leverage with their synergies.  Work with matrix in ECONO- MIX' mentality. That makes you fit for success.


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