




    FIND THE LEVER.                                             Follow the sequence.                                           Solve quadratic equation.                                  With ease and less tension.                                Maths teacher will caution.                               Then write it with all attention.                         On the chalkboard the equation                       BODMAS ready with explanation.                     This will give  you solution                                 When it's followed without alteration.             Do you understand? What to  mention .         Life is a condition with equation.                       Human life has LEVER for every situation.


I).Like a physical lever that makes use of smaller force to move a large object. A business lever is an initiative .  When  applied to a particular challenge, multiplies the inputs or provides leverage to achieve accelerated output. 

Common Features Of Lever.                                (a).The LOAD which is the object requiring moving.                                                                    (b). The EFFORT is the muscular force that we use to move object.                                          (c). The FULCRUM comprises the joint around which the movement   occurs                (d). The LEVERS consisting of bones and  skeletons.                                                                 Example.the forearm where the biceps pull the load through the fulcrum.

ii). You can read my Post' Success Under Auction? Only Failures To Bid' 

Levers For Business.                                               (a). Sell Price ( Sell High). When a business is a high flyer especially, digital devices, increasing price can quickly mop up excitement of  fast selling market brand. This type of initiates  serves robust demand. When SIM card was introduced , it sold at high price then , but  accepted as usual. But later they were given free by some Telecoms networks. 

Through initiatives, a company can increase it Share prices based on profitability  of their  liquidity ratios.

Current Ratio= Current Asset/ Current Liability.   3. 9

Quick Ratio =Cash+ Account Receivables + Market Securities/ Current Liabilities  1.9

Cash Ratio = Cash + Market Securities/ Current Liabilities. 0.94. 

These are healthy signs of growth. And can  position company to negotiate loan application for credit and  boostt market stock  busines. 

(b). Purchase Cost( (  Buy Low).

Last year , there was weather forecast that flood disaster was to come. Groups of big rice buyers bought most of the rice fields ,up front ,without much  price  pressure. And when the floods hit, it was very good business for them . Good initiative. Wonderful leverage for success'.

(c ). Sales Performance ( Sell More).                    Most Investment organisations, look at the companies turn over for about 3- 5 years, among other  things,  before deciding whether to approve loan application. It's good initiative to deliberately lower price , sell more to secure loan which will provide  better leverage in the anticipated enterprise.


If you don't have a lever, you can deliver success.                                                                  I). Growth is never by chance. It is the result of forces working together . Like humans we are equipped to activate  and  leverage the challenges around us. We can move  the load with our with physical, emotional, spiritual  . muscle forces. And move the object through our joints acting as fulcrum .The skeletons and bones as lever. 

ii). How Do We Get The Initiative For Accelerated Output.?                              Through connection. Year's ago, I discovered that bulk buying locally wasn't serving the business as planned. There was stiff competition and mark up was next to nothing.  I did research to find out manufacturers and suppliers of the commodities. I traveled and concluded the negotiations. And things changed for better.

Iii). Starting.' The only strategy  that is guaranteed to fail is not taking any risk. Opportunities quickly spring up and become even more profit attractive than before. It was time  to locate to a new location still to boost more profit and maximize leverage. We did start and stock new shop. And make customer service ,friendly.   The initiative paid off . 

iv). 'Motivation is a catalyst, ingredient for ever innovation. ' Play by the tules but be ferocious. Out of your vulmeabities , will come your strength and growth. I was growing but not fast enough. I needed to do  something more. 

It was to look around more closely to pick opportunities which I had overlooked. Why? I don't know. I picked them. Found strength . There was profit. Success springs out from failure.

Is it amazing.? We are equipped to apply the lever all the time with initiative as the battery head.

The greatest in the world is not so much where we are , as in what  direction , we are headed. You have a lever . You can deliver success. 


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