




' I Have Value'.                                                        I started as unknown.                                          I soon recorded as known.                                  I know I am my way to renown.                        Thrown down don't frown.                                  Blown over can't groan.                                        Disown and drown  not torn.                              Sown into new awareness. now grown                 I am a VOUCHER.   


I). Vouch action is what gives personal assurance, guarantee and surety. When action transfers to a person, one could assume a Voucher. It serves like a document of expenditure  for Commodity.   

Some Statement  With VOUCH Action:           --- I Came, I Saw, I Conquered .                            ---- Everything I' Am Not Made Me Everything I  Am .                                                                   ----- I Make Best Of How  Things Work.            Etc.           

ii). I Came I Saw , I conquered'. This is the expenditure value and  cost of  success.    Where, When , How, Why etc are all ASPA on  document . These are  current costs to be paid for by  vouch action to get desired results . If it's up the hill, what's the best method? When does it's opportunity work best? Why? Vouch action commits unconditionally, to conquer all obstacles and take that success, by storm 

ii). Everything I Am Not  Me Everything I Am . That's  awesome. Even nothing has something hidden, when  you're everything' expenditure has provided  to make it  work. For purposes of emphasis, , down payment , at birth, is like present value of that  initial investment. It's current returns apply ,as service  cost. 

When we are lost and spent as wells that are dry. Suddenly, new water bowsers recharge old wells, Or new ones spring up. It's your vouch action that works it's success. Tapping into powers in and beyond you. 

iii). My Poor Parents . They Made Me Rich. From our introduction, we have value . Somehow, we have been programmed like vouchers, expenditure to meet need at given  point in time. Take delivery of commodity through vouch action cost application. He serviced the expenditure through vouch action cost of mastering how to shoot spot kick outside 18 yard box. . Taking success by vouch Action.  Amazing. 

Iv). I make best of how things work ..Each outcome makes me wiser than the previous one until the comes ,comes to become.

To quit is not an option. He who quits will never succeed'. Nor find out it how best things work .  It took Nelson Mandela 27 year's in prison to emerge as ICON of liberation struggle, from Apartheid South Africa. He made best of how things work.: Truth And  Reconciliation Commission. 


I). Down payment and current expenditure ,  give picture of service: for dreams, Visions, Missions Thoughts, etc. In the introduction, above, vouch action can translate as voucher, like document of some expenditure for life purpose to manifest and deliver it. Do you want that success?

You can check my post: ' Don't Think Can't To Be An Elephant''.

Ii). If you hang out with the chicken, you will cluck. And if you hang out with eagles , you're going to fly. Only ride with people you have walked with. 

Invest in yourself first Expect nothing from anyone . Be willing to work for everything. Be willing to give up things that will weigh you down, so as to fly like an eagle. That's how to get success'. 

iii). Build you furniture from your initial 'expenditure.' Love what you do. Do what you love. 

Remember, the most powerful motivation is rejection. Use it as projection of your essence. Apply shelter of confidence. Most importantly, people will  talk behind you. Make sure you  give them an interesting topic. 

iv). Do you want to be successful? Put customers first. Customer is king. Use emotional intelligence  to promote your business . Make it warm , friendly. Be delightful in handling various psychological and emotional needs .

Pursue innovation or your products will rebrand you as out of date. Be forward looking. 

Then be patient. Check your expenditure kit. The greatest patience is to arrive in time. 

v(. How can I multiply by subtraction? Train the mind to study , understand and take advantage of how market operates. How the past , present and future interact . How to learn from the past to  boost  the present  to  improve  future. . Switch over from the old to the new. Identify with the trend and extend the advantages. The Digital Age is here. All roads lead to the internet.                    Do You Want  Success? Update skills to be relevant in the Digital Economy. Back it with vouch action.

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