





Ours never run dry. We have natural  inbuilt ,self-recharging mechanism, that run oil wells: endowments etc.  When activated, it automatically  drills /pumps/ extracts  the  ore /reserves , guaranteeing supplies. Overhauling, modernising , repairing,  facilitating , developing , releasing from raw  talent to professional status. We are enough to exceed perceived limits.

From pre- Stone Age, this faucet has continued to flow,  to pre- empt economic shifts from crude implement  through to  the current  standard of Digital Economy.  Every age produces its own pillars on whose shouldees rest  the weight of growth and development. Every age , lays  foundation on which  the super structure will be constructed.. Today it's ICT. It's taking us into the future, perhaps remoulding and reshaping the contours of proceeding dispensation. Producing gauge of New Dawn, New Age, New Money, New Economy etc. NEw is a brand. It's transition into great future where you  can get back  Top, again..


You may check my post:. End The Reign Of Defeat.                                                                   . I).Challenges are like washing machines. Though they toss us from one side to the other , but in the end we become brighter and better. Keep the mind- check, active, to stay top.

ii). Success is free. It's rent is paid daily. It's not negotiable, account payee, only. That's the warranty to guarantee  to your set goal.Action is the gap between goal and achievement. Hustle.  Stay  top 

iii). Healthy competition is like the grease on the wheels of wealth creation. It's daily energy of motivation ,because any time you don't action , somebody ekse is being made rich. So , commit to pursue a greater  tomorrow and stay top..

iv).To stay top, realise, there is nothing like failure. Either you succeed or learn other thousand ways. Every experience is a lesson learned to bring us closer to our desired outcomes.We become smarter to make best, how things work out. Create opportunities where there was none.  Prove yourseIf I am a winner.

v). Stay top , stay relevant. The world has a habit to follow those who show that they know where they are going. The world , pays people, for what they do or introduce others to do. I  want to  be a reference: I am back at the Top. 


I). My experience teaches me that opportunity is very smart. Sometimes, it sneaks in through the back door. We must be smarter. Why didn't Albert Einstein pick the mango fruit , enjoy it's juice and walk away? No. Other passers -by could have fallen for the sweet juice only. The back door , beat them to it. What,  if other fruits, scattered on the ground, switched off Albert's attention? And he overlooked his sunshine? Today, he stands on the gondola shell of legends. He discovered the  theory of Relativity in physics.Can you look back? In our  vernacular, we do give names like ' AZUKA'.  What's Behind Is Greater.

ii). The average life cycle of a product , is probably, between 3- 5 years. Before it arrives there, after rapid bursts and rests, walk up the hill becomes gruelling. Decline becomes inevitable. Great minds don't give excuses because cheaper, more competitive alternatives which are demand elastic, would have flooded the market. Or your product will red- card you as penalty for , being inside 18 yard box of an  opponent . Check your backyard 

3. Nature has given us all things to make us great. But we need to get the pieces together one after another. But this takes time . The time invested in this search is  worth it. Therefore, need, arises, to look back and forth. Most people miss this registration. And are not on the register of Life Purpose. Eventually, they miss out on the master plan.  And live from hand to mouth. Check your backyard.


I). Yesterday, is past. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is a present which the currency of your life.                                       Work should excite. Follow your own unique path. Your are the only person, your uniqueness. Press on to project that uniqueness. Had he relaxed after his first Olympic games, he probably, would have ended up in the archives. No. He pushed his uniqueness , beyound his first limit. And still went forward until he did run 100 meters under  10 seconds. He was Utsian Bolts. We can go extra mile

ii). Find a way to win.  If you must fail, fail into success'. Don't stay inside failure. Failure is like a box. . You can't read the label inside the box. Remove the barriers.  Our life agenda must be more expansive than that of a hen . ' Food, for personal god and their 'cousins.' Food for myself.'. We can do better by adding significant value to our generation. We can go extra mile..

Iii). How do I teach others? How can I help others develop their skills, until they do not need to be introduced ? How do  I use copies of my uniqueness to change lives? Help them  to win by doing right things'?.

Iv). Beauty is already hidden inside you. And you are the artist. Remove the extra stone that is covering it,  to show the beauty. You can do extra mile. Make our world more beautiful..

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Look at the mirror. The top is open. You can get back to the Top, again. Check your backyard. 

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