

 2. CHALLENGES OF OLD.           




AGE: Agreeable Greatest Explorer. Literally, it's unbeatable, distinguishable and fashionable. Like snow white on  the meadow, so are the shadows of gray hairs on life.  Like the difference between sun and darkness, so is the wisdom of gray hairs ,when compared with the  youths. Like the timeless grace ,so are the unmistakable steps that deck the steps of the aged etc. 

Age is number. But it's wonder to ponder as we explore what it has in' NEW' with strides What an old man sees sitting down, the young one cannot see standing up. In some communities, old age is a symbol, especially, those who have marked their tongue with a knife etc. When someone, disrespectfully lifts his father, up, something, will block his vision.  Agreeable Greatest Explorer ( Age), is in our new  conversion.


I).. Change is a constant. The variable that releases and facilities it is choice. Example,if when I was at school, I liked Isey Miyaki fragrance. But when I indicate the size and aromaa/ spice ,as herbal, the choice makes it precise. Some how, deeper, change can be, when it connotes new choice,  to touch on the spiritual, physical and material . That fragrance sparked all these dimensions in my  life  But it is highly fulfilling..And the opposite is not..

ii). Had all our shoes remained usable over time? Would we  delightfully fit them? What it they became undesized? We would either convert them as slippers, sandals or canvass. Naturally, they become out of fashion and burdensome.

iii). The OLD~ Owes  the Living a Date ( Old). Then challenges start happening, after they fully pay back what they owe. Where are the bicycles, Pontiac's W- Shaped Chevrolets, Afro- size hair piece etc? These items announced their expire dates. Perhaps, check dealers description. After which they expire or retire to archives or be re- branded.

iv). What does the old  remind us, therefore.   ' Dig your wells before you need them. Make wise investment when you have much money and don't need it.  Make haste while the sun shines. Better be late than never. Today is  still early. 


I) New that Elevates Wellbeing ( NEW). Firstly, keep your imagination new to ideas.  This enriches your creativity, it fast- forwards  and equips you with knowledge to live in world that no longer exists. Imagination fits you wings to fly  into your dream land. Whatever that was created , was first imagined. That's good news. It's opposite if it's not. 

Ii). Not the End, go Win ( NEW). ! If it does fiend , it's not friend. It's not new. Every champion faces a challenger. From birth and it is still continuing. Don't lose your crown title. He who the cap fits, let him wear it. Hold on to your title and make the good  news,  new.  Other wise, it's isn't new. 

iii). Need is Energy,  don't Withold  it   (NEW).  Mathematica, pit me to the floor , very early,  Now I understand, it was  energy of the news that was to follow, that jacked and propelled me . Until I put  it down to submission within  time slot for the championship. So, take  6 pack chilled energy 'Need' drink. Go and win Or else it isn't new. 

iv). No Excuses. without Wealth (.NEW). Your NAME understands. It can give up ( NA - Not Allowed) . And replace witht  ( FA - Fate Activate). It's possible. So transit from Name to fame. That's the game that makes new. Learn it . Not the reverse..


I). Whatever, shines flies the wing of delight.  Fashion is like light ,that put entertainment on a gold plate  with silver liningi  It's good behaviour with style. 

I am age ( Image), in which , I light my uniquess as the essence of my individuality.  We share a brand that's unmistakable, unshakable, favourable and profitable. It's our world to make rich in style  join the club.  

Ii). At school, especially during weekends when work load ,allowed it.  I would spend sometime, in our amphitheatre soaking music from artists. But my favourite was ABBA.~~ Money, money , money ~~~  in the rich man's world, etc. Now , I grasp how that message had equipped money gadgets device  in my mind, and nurtured passion through fashion .To inspire, refresh , fulfil dreams, perhaps help motivate and  bring hope.  Artists are agents of change   We can all  donate and make good fashion ,new. 

Iii). The greatest fashion starts from the home. If your parents are not rich. Make them rich. That's is the latest and most fashionable thing to do. Make them admirable with good style. Change every negative imposed behaviour on them Clothe them with attires to respite them with fresh fragrance. Dazzle it. 

Iv). Don't forget your community. Every wealth that reaches home, talks   about its journey. Live and let live. Let hawk live. Let Egret live together in harmony. That fashion for sale. Make it new. It's affordable.

That how to make it new if it isn't.


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