





What Gives Power To The Mind?                        The mind is one of the strongest and most useful powers to possess. This the power of your thoughts that pass through your mind and is responsible for every thing that happens to you. This includes creativity that WOW's our world.

Imagination is the soil that brings to life. Live out your imagination , not your history. What is now proved, was once imagined. Everyone fro stone age till date had to use their mind to create useful things. The man who has no imagination has no wings. 

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited . Imagination encircles the world. Knowledge trains our conscious mind. Imagination taps into Infinite potential of our sub - conscious mind . It's ability to exert from inside, powerful  positive  attraction ,to our outer world. And make it, more beautiful.

2 YOU ARE THE ARCHITECT OF YOUR LIFE. CHECK  DESTINY ATTRACTION PACKAGE     I). Imagination will often carry us to word that never was.  But without it we go now where. How? Imagination takes us to realities that were explored. Today, we travel in a hyper loop because of one person . You are the architect of your life. Check destiny attraction package.

ii). By searching deeper and finding out how to build our lives. To delve into richer, inner world, we need to spend time alone, to go inside us and read our books, the story we have to live. Only when we do that , can we bring our creative imagination to life. Example, to rewrite unfortunate history is worth while work.. ' My father didn't make poor. He thought and made rich'. That's an architect. A winning brand. Or how do you cross over from being described as mentally retarded to become a celebrity? Albert Einstein. 

Iii). He spent  10 years in his parents garage writing a book which the world now reads as Microsoft , Bill Gate. You are architect of your life.Thomas Watson, being frustrated from sales job, went ahead to become one of the greatest sales men of the 20th Century, building IBM in the process.

iv). Check destiny attraction package . Imagination is the beginning of creation . 'You imagine what you desire. You will what you Imagine and at last create what you will. '. Charles Darwin grew up in poverty. Abandoned by an alcoholic father, lost his mother, school drop out. But went ahead to be one of the influential figures in TV history. That's attraction package. Those who are harder hit, come back hitting top achievement.


I). Before anything is manifested in existence, it is first thought about ,sometimes, through a dream and then nourished in our imagination. Our dominant thoughts constitute the power house of the mind influencing behaviour and attitude, control actions and reactions.  This how our success' can WOW our generation, if we follow the process.   It's destiny attraction package .

ii). Cherish your vision . Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that sings in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind ~~~ . For out of them , willingness, all delightful conditions of these . If you are true to them, your world will be built.                                       When they started, the Beatles, had little harmony .Failed many auditions, yet went ahead to become one of the best selling band then. 

iii). How do you boost destiny attraction package. ? Through self motivation ,as ability and skill . It involves personal drive to achieve, desires ,to improve  and meet a certain standard .Commitment  to a personal or organisational goal. Initiative  , readiness to take on opportunity, pursue goals in the face of set backs. Hellen Keller, blind, deaf , dumb abused and discriminated against, Yet she became the first black person in the world to earn a bachelor's degree. That's destiny attraction package. A WOW to humanity. Colonel Sanders chicken recipe was rejected 1009 times at age 66 before . Yet his KFC ,is one of the most successful franchises today.


I).Be creative. Once you discover your God- given talent, it will release your creativity. Power of the creative, is fuel from good ideas. Without them,  you will  drift through life , living off other people' s ideas. Essentially, you will have good ideas if you value them . What do you think was going through, Wright Brothers when they prepared to put the first motor air plane on the sky. ? Good ideas.WOW creative venture. 

ii). Learn to explore every options with multitude of possibilities ,help the imagination.  And imagination is crucial to creativity. Imagination looks for new ways to put knowledge to work. There may be defeats but don't allow yourself to be defeated.  If you must fail, fail into success'.

iii). Creative people embrace ambiguity, inconsistencies and gaps in life. They take time in exploring them and  using their imaginations to fill them The era of motor car air plane ,space shuttle  is here with us.

Iv). Achievers of life ultimate destiny are not afraid to fail. Creative people learn going on a limb, knowing limbs often  break . But they still keep searching for the new ideas. They refuse  ideas that don't work, to prevent them from coming up with the one that does. :  discovery of V-8 Engine block.  This was a WOW invention. 

If it cannot WOW our world, check your destiny atrraction  package.

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