





 ' Defeat is a state of mind, until defeat has been accepted as as reality. '.                              ' I came . I saw. I conquered'. Or  defeated.   Two faces of thesame coin.  Two voices , champion or loser. Two worlds of I am Victor or a victim. Two thoughts of I can try or I can't. Two lives of joy and sorrow. Two traffic lanes of green and danger lights. Two types of dentition  , Permanent or Temporary teeth. Two life  experiments ; real or fantasy. Two methods of living master or servant. Two types of vision, accomplish or abort. Two  sizes,; one type fits all or small size only.

Defeat is deaf to anything that will rob her of its feat. That's the food. Can you eat it. ? 

2. WHAT MAKES IT' DEAF'.            

There used to be this noisy bird in the village. It' was easily known because of it's coarse voice and wing rustle. Every grasshopper which became its  food is deaf.. So too, defeat, will become deaf and serve as food because of overwhelming noise of :

I ). Determination of , I know .   I know beyound any shadow of doubt , that I can challenge defeat and make it nothing.: . Mathematics used to be for most of us, due to wrong programming, ' ' Achilles Hill'. Until we went to the mountain, because it couldn't come to us. And pulled it's fangs with very strong noise of action, determination and new ability. And we conquered. 

ii). Noise of : It's not over, until I win . We are enough. All the unused but usable  dormant assets rut, because they are jobless. That's why some defeats are very deaf. Until all our asset devices  thunder and  grill her feat and deafness as food.  Where are the set backs of Type writing machines, gramophones, Roja- Roja  security  telephones? Telephone by dial etc? 

Iii). Noise of 'OWN' goal of defeat. . Challenges motivate  responsive action for breakthrough. When defeat is deaf, it causes turn to  a new leaf that shoots her in the foot. After, more than 10000 experiments, deaf darkness became easy food for electric bulbs light. 

iv). Change for a better life. Sometimes, bad things happen not to punish but to furnish us better versions of our update.  To get knocked down is no news. But to get back up. That's the news, when feat leaves defeat.  Like when honey bees become honey less.


I). Defeat is only an opinion, until it becomes real. Re- set the mind early. Life is like a coin : win or lose. Whichever face reproduces your image, converts your energy as well as being  your printer. That's why nothing works well ,except you take responsibility for it. Don't forget that you are a fighter. Life has thrown us into a pit and say survive. That's the mandate. That's what we need to do. And do it right.

ii). Train the mind to see good in every situation. You do not have to like it to learn from it. You will learn more from failure than from success. Pay attention to your enemies , they are the first to talk about your weaknesses. Grow and go through them. 

iii). Don't become defeat to yourself. How? 'A man without  enemies is enemy to himself, because he has lacks courage and determination to accomplish what can attract enemies of progress ' Which is better, enemies because of achievement or from failure.? Choice inevitable? The dance music of them all  is ,' Ten And Ten Pence'. 

iv). ' Expect problems and eat them for breakfast. A man is nothing else, but what he makes of himself. People who get hit hardest are those who come back the most  successful. Remember, the ' Rumble  in The Jumble' in Congo. Muhammad Ali, took so much beating from George Foreman, during their world  heavyweight boxing championship. Yet he stood unbeaten. UNBEATABLE.


I).There will be haters, non - believers. And then there , you will be, proving them wrong, with I' m invincible,I' m  insurmountable,      I 'm unstoppable. It's unbelievable, But I' ll win  over every defeat.  I can do more.

Ii) I am yet undone. Wait for my download. When I release all  convertible potentials; in assets held under house arrest . When I give them freedom to explore When they go in search to for  all manner of difficulties to prove their mettle,  Then they can ask , Is that all'. 

Iii) it's time to rise up and grind.. Our empire will not build themselves. Forget your past. Forgive yourself. And begin again. The becoming is In front not behind. Don't just set goals. Hunt for them . Accomplish and set new ones. Success isn't final 

iv). Failure has no friends. End it's fiends. Only those who dare to fail greatly, can achieve greatly. 

Dare to defeat challenges. Dare to unfit it's feat. That's the treat. Beat the defeat. No matter how deaf , defeat is , it's still for breakfast. Can you eat , that food? 

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