
 1 INTRODUCTION.                                                  2 WORK CAN NOD                                            3. LOVE IN THE CLOUD.                                       4 WE CAN DO MORE                                                                                                                              1 INTRODUCTION.

 Love in the cloud asks the following questions.                                                                I)Is there  a need ?                                                ii).Is there a new and better way of solving it iii).. What makes it new and better?                  iv).. What must I do to benefit my community?                                                            v). How can  it be sustained over time?             vi). And still be relevant. stimulating.     ' When you  reach to the end of the rope tie a knot. and hang on.'' There are so many world's. I have not yet conquered one '. ' It's time to change the  records, clean the house, stop being who we were. Become who we are. : Love In The Cloud has rainbow appeal to make work nod.     


When we step  up to work, we will soon get used to the process and fall in love with the progress.  The soul of work will nod when there is love appeal . How?      

I). ' As we serve ourselves in the service of others , we discover ourselves and our happiness' is  that enticing?  ' There is no more noble occupation in the world than to help someone else to succeed.'.

ii). ' Feel it, visualise it, smell it  touch it. That's is the first thing before, it becomes yours.' Such a dream conceived with love features, can breathe life into the services it provides. Work therefore can nod.

iii). Is there a no go area in your background? You can't buy a land, you can't build a house, you can't buy a car  ,or become wealthy  and happy? Love understands the challenges ,as tuition for progress, It engages the principle of nothing for nothing. , Give and Take, No pain No gain etc. It answers to perseverance : continues to push ,until victory.  

iv). Invest in yourself, first. Expect nothing from no one and be willing to work for everything. That's how you can go an extra mile, grow and and develop all round self. Capable of giving selfless service. This helps make work nod.


I).Love  service can paint rainbow colours, of  blue, orange, lime, amber  on  the menu for success. Success means using our talents and abilities in a way that serves others. Even in their dull and less fruitful conditions. Provide the lifters , to lighten their loads.. What goes round, comes around. 

ii).' You are talented, limitless and special. You can get stronger every day; face your fears and don't give it. That's love 'biceps', that can turn gloom into boom. You can become an inspiration to someone who was watching . That's helping make our world work better. 

iii). ' I came , I saw , I conquered'.  From the midst of trouble and despair, worry and suspicion comes  life.  It is what the power in us ,that's beyound us . To  turn things around. Yes. It's able to see the infinite possibilities masquerading as impossibilities.  Then dismantles their barriers. Love endures hardship. Uses them as manure to germinate seeds of greatness , kindness , selflessness etc.  

iv). When love arrives in the cloud of poverty, it fundamentally, determines to change that destiny. The generational wealth of a community starts with one person.  First, he sets up standard of life based on his own terms. That's freedom. Then he translates this standard into other similar simple cards to benefit others. That's love in the cloud.

v). There is no cloud , that genuine love can't change to rain bow. 


I).Do you want to be successful? Do what the unsussessful people are unwilling to do. Do common things uncommonly well.

ii). What you lack in ability, make up with diligence. What you lack in talent make up with hustle. We should be able to get to the point, where to ask, Is this all ? Then push forward beyound boundaries of challenges..

 Iii). Every morning, you have a choice : sleep + Enjoy dreams. Or wake up + chase them.Sleeoer dreaming. Or Dreamer sleeping?  We can do better. Change to better life.

iv). Don't drive to  be better than everyone else, if you must. But be better than you  ever thought you could be.                                     The future belongs to the curious, the ones who are not afraid to try , explore, question, and turn things inside out. 

Iv). Everything is a learning experience, a growth opportunity, a way to learn, unlearn, relearn . Then practice, practice.. Improve and keep adding value.

V). It's not what we are that is holding us back. It is what we think we are not. But we can become heroes, if we cultivate the right mindset. 

Vi). Live a life of service. You have everything you want in life. if you help enough other people get what they want'.  That's love in the cloud. It can make work nod.

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