
 1 .INTRODUCTION.                                                  2 . IT'S NAME IS SWEAT.                                      3. GROOVY MOONLIGHT AT NOONDAY.          4 LEARN TO DO MORE.


Follow my post: "Grow Your Muscles In The Gym. Put On Inspiration Boxers'.                      The fowl doesn't forget the person that pruned its tail during rainy season.                  When sleep becomes sweat, you can the gear and, snore.                                                               When there is a bar and bazar invitation, there is a saying : bazaar will carry the day,  It has wings of joys ,spread out with diversity.

I don't know , how it started, but I grew up desiring to do things  that make my mother happy.  That has been my strong WHY to succeed. But it did cost  me sweat.

I remember going to a  river with a fish hook , alone, to catch fish for my mom. As I manoeuvred between one raffia tree, from one to the other, my hand slipped. Why I didn't drown in the river, is still a wonder       The groovy moonlight at noon day, costs sweat.  But you can do better than I did.


I). Imagination is a preview of our world through a video device. 'Whatever is  created,  was first imagined ' When there is poor network and temporary break down  in transmission,  to reaity, don't shut down broadcast. Soon , vision will be back on air.    Take responsibility, reposition yourself, dot your I"s  and cross your T"s.  Beware of Zebra Crossing' of your life at given intersections. 

Don't forget , ' He who  has not failed, has ,never  tried anything new '.

ii).People, who succeed have one momentum, the more they succeed the more they want to succeed. One of the best ways to success is to use the bricks thrown at you, perhaps, through rejection, as stepping stone for breakthrough. Avoid the trap of giving up. The most certain way to victory is to try one more time.

iii). Find the key to open the door of your life. Become more relevant to prevailing opportunities. Show the world, ' Here I am '  This is my brand. It's name is sweat. Life will never provide warranties as guarantees. It can only provide possibilities to convert to success.

iv). All successful achievement start with knowing  precisely what one wants . What is condition that the mind  will operate to attain it. Many people do not know very clearly what they want'  So they fall short of their greatest success. Endeavour, to load your sweat properly.


I).Cherish your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprint of your ultimate achievement. If you can dream it you can achieve it. Be prepared to  put in the work, because soon you will get addicted to its progress and fall in love with the process. That's the Noonday Grove  .

ii). The ultimate of a man, is not where he is  when he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, it's where he stands in moments of challenges. Challenges call for positive change. Change is hard, but when you pass difficulty and hardship, that is how achievement is earned.

iii).. I feel excited, about the Groovy Moonlight At Noonday. I will give it rich sweat. I love what I do and do what ai love. Preface to good work attitude. I am passionate to get good results. It's going to be hard, but that doesn't mean it is impossible. . Sometimes, we get tested not to show weaknesses but strength.

iv).  It's time to call up, all unused gifts. Promise them that they shall be celebrated. Then, throw away old limits. Indeed, the only limits to our realisation of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.

We have deep down in us, a treasure not leisure, because it has purpose , to encash what it must achieve. There is need to bring in more people to the groovy moonlight show.

v). The secret is to do common things, uncommonly well.


I). ' Tale Of The Pebble.                                           ' I am not a dead mass of stone. I am an organized group, units of circular motion. I appear to be solid, the appearance is an illusion. For my electrons are separated from one another by a distance greater than mass. I am a reality of law and order. In small confines, unfold with Infinite Intelligence. I Am Not A Dead Pebble Stone. When we accept old assumptions as ,  given and unchanging, there remains nothing to challenge our creativity. That the pebble says ' I live is a challenge to learn more, and more.

ii) Revisit the will to win, again. You can succeed one more time. There is an urge to completely exhaust our potential, when it is found. To do less is a diservice to the Giver and also  humanity.

Expect challenges and eat them as breakfast. What's coming is better than what's gone. Learn to be a farmer. Not a hunter. Ask questions, like: Is this possible? Can I do it? Will you help me? Be genuine.

iii). Hard work beat talent when talent can't work. Anyone can win. Impossible isn't a fact. It's an opinion. We can go ahead and accomplish more.

iv). Only those who risk going forward, can possibly find out how far they can go.

v).Never complain about difficulties in life, because the director ( God), always gives hardest part to best actors.                                   WOW, Actors In The ' Groovy Moonlight  At Noonday.  It's Name Is Sweat. ? Are We Ready?


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