
 1. INTRODUCTION.                                                 2 LESSONS OF CHEETAH.                                     3. DON'T CHEAT YOUR LIFE.                                4. YOU CAN DO EXTRA.


An athlete and sports enthusiast, I take delight in sprint events on  the Wild Life adventure.  Watching a cheetah chasing springbok, which was drinking water at the edge of shallow flowing water, gave me food for thought   The springbok did a heart- trick, lowered it's size, as the cheetah towered past. The  angry dust went up like volcano into the sky  when the cheetah  tried to make a U- turn.                                          What makes cheetah tick, is it's unbelievable speed , 110kph/ (70mph): Sprints 300 meters ,runs out of energy and rests. Cheetah is the fastest animal in the wild. It has personality attributes which can profit us individually.                                                                          Cheetah live. Don't cheat your life.


1. Watch you structure. It passes a message.     A cheetah has small rounded head , a short snout. a black tear- like facial streak and a deep chest.                                                               You address as you dress. How you dress, is an advert for the rest.    My people say, you will know a riped corn by sight.     You don't need to open the cob.   

ii).    The number 10 player in the soccer  field of Digital Technology  is SPEED. Just, like Cheetah in wild life. It's not improper to look at our speed again. While  Giraffe gallops, Cheetah sprints in wild life, sports.

Cheetah accelerates as it sprints . Our business turnover ,during a given period of time should make us realise speed/ acceleration performance.

Overspeed is not advised . By practice, learn , adjust and adopt speed. It matters.

iii). Run with vision. In the hey days of Industrial Revolution, when production was highly mechanised and divided into stages. Pioneers of the Information Communication Technology, were forward looking to a day when production would become One - Point_ All - Service system . In this  Digital Economy , one click on the iPod  phone, can create our world

iv). A cycle of speed bursts and rest brings victory. This is the tale of Cheetah. When you are pushing towards your goals, rest when  tired. ' He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day. Don't quit either. Rest and bounce back with new ideas, vitality, determination, clarity etc . These add to sped up victory.

(V). Cheetah is a thriller. It changes direction in mid -strufe to land on target.   It swings from one spot to another to arrive at results. Watch your business strategies, review and change what doesn't work. Keep the vision . Change the goal post, if need be.

vi). Repurpose rather than  discord ( or waste). Growing up,  I found that athletic activities will not put enough food on my table. So I switched into other allied but    dynamic areas for livelihood. Wastage is expensive.

vii). Hunt when ( and where ).there is less competition. Don't go to league competition as an amateur.


I). If you were born into a poor family, work hard to make it rich. Nothing less is good enough. Oppression and transgression of poverty is far  much higher than unrelenting sweat for liberty. Or be prepared for an answer to the question", How Much Is Your Mother's Dowry?.

ii). Don't let your poverty stop you. Where you are , persevere and serve to the Top. Determine, to stop poverty. It degrades humanity without pity. But  you are the mystery for sterility to poverty, on your journey to Disney Land.       Think about Jackie. His parents wanted to sell him because they were poor. Today, he is worth $350m . One of the greatest all time actors .You can be the next, on chart -buster.       

iii). Be aware that you have reasonant energy within you, to bring out what is inside you. So, you can move from latent to kinetic energy. Then, release that uniqueness , your fitness for greatness. Endeavour not to dump the energy.

iv ) Believe in yourself. You can achieve unbelievable things. But first, like the Cheetah, do away with excess weight of I CAN'T. Like a large cargo ship without rudder, it will sink. I Can't is pregnant and only breeds ' I Cee Ant'. But you are a winner. And profitable wonder  to humanity.

v). Don't engage in self- limiting thinking. Think empowering ,expansive thoughts. 'Your dream doesn't become reality, through magic. It takes sweat and determination and hard work'.


The greatest barrier to achieving your goal is your comfort zone. Great things happen when you make friends with  discomfort zones . 

ii). Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Wisdom helps us to avoid making mistakes, and comes making a million of them.

 iii). Spend at least, one hour a day in self development. Read good books, listen to inspiration tapes. 

iv). Train yourself to finish what you did start. Stay focused to accomplish a task , before you begin another one. Endeavour not to bite more than you can chew. 

v.' Live fully in the present. When you live in the past ,and not in the future , you are not able to make things happen in the present  '.

vi). Your set back is set- up for a come back. The real tragedy in life is not show much we suffer. But in how much we miss. So don't miss a thing. 

We must be prepared at any moment, to suffer who we are for who  we are capable of becoming. 

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