
 1 INTRODUCTION.                                                 2. DOES MONEY TALK?                                        3. WHAT'S YOUR TALK BACK ?                            4. DIG YOUR WELLS BEFORE YOU  NEED THEM.


Curiousity drove me to watch game on wild life. Then came a question? Is what's good for the goose, ? Also good for the gander.? Partially? Or Completely? 

' Nature has provided us with all pieces required to achieve wellness and health, but has left it to us  to put these pieces together'.

I watched an eagle, from peak height target a mountain goat. It swing into action. First, it opened with high speed. Slowly , approaching  the target, it ceased flapping it's wings. Few meters away from the catch, the wings pulled together, like an air plane does  before landing. Then like an acrobat it turned from left to right, apparently to confuse the prey. Then it landed. Picked it, with strong talons flew back up to mountain  to release  and followed it back until to the ground.Then settled to feed. Amazing. 

WOW,  how the eagle put all the pieces together.  Doesn't it suggest that we too, are able to do much better than eagle , through the medium of money.?  Does Money Talk ? 


I). 'Money  answers all things'. Does it  make assumptions, like the eagje, that there are skill and ability for survival?  Yes.  That explains why it provides answer even before we ask. Amazing.

Money also thinks, for it to talk. Provides  answer to:  How to make food, cloth and shelter.                                                             Leave an inheritance for family.                         How to get wealth.  Health care etc               

ii. People who are born in this generation have exceptional opportunity to learn almost everything on U-TUBE. It helps rest the question to ask money , before its supply,  based on current facilities.  Money talks with answers. We talk back with corresponding actions.

iii). Money Talks. : I function as medium of exchange., a unit of account and a store of value. I Creta security Trust , which promotes cohesion and social harmony.

iv). Everything in life has a price and most of them can be quantified in money.

v). Money speaks  sense in a language  all the nations understand. Wealth confers power and influence to those who have it . Example, Security Council of the United Nation. 

vi). Money Talks. It makes art. Determines, what food we eat, who gets  cured or not, what we wear etc. 


I).Action Speaks Louder Than Words. We can see, feel. touch , sense money. Dimensions of money talk, can produce results through stimulus response mechanism. If you need a house. Take action. Provide the money required.  Then get the house.

 Action through: life changing strategy to leave an inheritance, as an example.

ii).Creativity : you  mind is everything. If  your obsessive desire goes through the required  process, there will result a physical equivalent of your thought.                                 Networking  to build strong relationships. Be part of the  Connected Economy. Learn how money makes money. Active and passive money. 

iii).New Mindset, which is capable to produce money through your dreams and visions under authentic given system.

iv). Profitable ways to make stomach feel well, make purse heavy with merry heart.

v). Getting prepare to transit to a cashless economy. Stand by with the required skills and timely action. 

vi). Money doesn't buy happiness. It can buy things that can make happiness possible. Money isn't the goal. It's a tool to the goal. 


I). There will be need for another source of income, if you have one only.                           Carefully, look for and join a proven money investment organisation that teaches skills to make money.. We can start this early.           Prevention is better than cure. A stitch in time saves nine 

ii). We will  make a choice.  Belong to 5% Too or 95% Bottom, on the global wealth distribution index. Some countries , by projection, will in 2050 , become  poverty capital.  

We are most blessed generation to change global landscape, reshape history , by making tireless.use of new information available on Internet . Let's do more work.

iv). Grow up to become wealth creator. Real wealth isn't money. It is the ability to live life on your own terms. IT'S FREEDOM.

v). Become an entrepreneur. Entrepreneur is a crazy person who risk his money for freedom rather exchanging his freedom for money. 

vi). Don't blame yourself if you grew up in  poor family.  Blame yourself if your  children will grow up in poor family . The answer is already given  Answer the Call To Action .Be right. Some of world"s greatest leaders started from there. They brought liberation to  mankind. It's still possible.

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