
 1. INTRODUCTION.                                                 2. DARE TO BLARE AGAINST TARE.                   3. CHARGE THE TARE AGAINST SUCCESS.       4. YOU CAN DO MORE.


It was at  National Youth Service Program. Early, in the morning during orientation, we were summoned to the training ground with a loud sound of trumpet. It came with para- military precision and gained training compliant attention. Our hostels were evacuated except those on exemption                Soon , we forget to do the same.in the hostels life. Evacuate the TARE. Get  adequate training to evacuate life threatening hazard: TARE. Sadly, often we court, pamper , breed and grow new ones. Tare can Tear.                                                         TARE: Toxins Are Real Life Eliminators.                        They Are Real Enemies Of Success.                    Take Advantage of you Relocate                         and Evaporate.                                         It's time to blare and charge against TARE.


If you do not know where rain started beating you, neither will  you not  knowwhen it stops.                                                 An unguarded fly will follow the corpse into the grave.                                                                 When the grasshopper roasts and burns on fire, it says that I'm fat-rich.                                Proverb is like oil with which words are eaten. ÷ TARE.                                                        I. The first challenge was not by choice. Birth into humble background. That, too, became the greatest forerunner to what I would become.  And still is, to water seeds planted in soil of lack. As always, that will their luck, when they decide to change. Poverty will grow you wings, if you are courageous enough to fit them and escape.  Dare the Tare.                                                                         ii. It can be very dangerous to the Prosperous. My people say, ' Money is sandwiched between thorns. You will find a there, a horn to celebrate your victory. If you risk nothing , you risk everytuing.                     iii). Toddlers who want to walk don't follow rules. They stumble , fall and get up . They practice to learn by doing, rather than become sitting duck. Let courage be the rule. Be wise.                                                          


Elders don't sit and watch the mother goat give birth while tied to the teethers.                  Better to remove unwanted water flow early,, while at anklet level than  wait for it  to reach the ankle .                                                I ). Shun Ease and Laziness.                                 It doesn't matter what resources you have, if you don't use them , you.  will never succeed.                                                                     ii). Leave Your Comfort Zones.                           They drain life and liquidate  your dreams.  Learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable. This is more profitable in the long run. Great things happen when you put in the work. You will soon become addicted to the process and fall in love with the progress.                                                                  iii). Run Away From Stagnancy.                           That's tenancy with a vacancy.  You can: take: Action; Make money with good habits, knowledge and experience which can multiply money.                                                     iv). Discharge Failure As Tare.                            'Mistakes are painful when they happen. But years later a collection of them called experience, leads us to success.                           v) Never Plan Like This.:                                  Your future with people who don't have future plans.                                                            vi). Don't Be Ashamed To Work Hard.               Nobody will give you food if you go broke. Hustle.       


' Nothing in the world can take the place of PERSISTENCE. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. The world is full of educated derelicts. The slogan PRESS ON has solved and always  will solve problems of human race'.                                                          I). Don't Be Discouraged.                                       Failure can be the manure for greatness, when it mixes with the rich soil of the mind.   ii). Success Has No Finish Line                              You can do more ' When the sub conscious mind  picks up vibration of  thought , blended with faith, it translates into spiritual equivalent, and transmits it to infinite intelligence as in the place of prayer.' Challenge your mind. Think.                               iii). Practice. Practice.~ ~ ~.                                  With practice, anyone can can increase their knowledge better. Then sharpen intellect and learn new skills.                                              iv). Man Without Enemies?                                '  A man without enemies, is an enemy of himself because he lacks courage and determination to accomplish what attracts enemies of progress. 

 Charge The Tare.You Can Do More. .

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