
 1 INTRODUCTION.                                               2. AN AMAZING ARTIST.                                   3. CREATE YOUR WORLD.                                 4. YOU CAN  DO MORE.


When we were  studying inorganic chemistry at school . Our teacher taught us the Electrochemical Series. The first elements were vague .We needed to  give them codes to make sense  Example 'He Lives Because Cannot Overthrow Forces'.   It helped us tie each element to each word.  Whatever and however our life is , we have the code to our it's 'Computer Box'. We hold the key to open our world ' art', to the universe.  We humans have power to do extraordinary things.   

2. AN AMAZING ARTIST.                                        From the blast of the whistle, you  set the pace, to the wonder and admiration,perhaps of the  co - million competitors in the race.. Even as a bubble, some will say, but you made the waves.                                                       And when you arrived in planet earth, it was announced with a loud shout, I am here",  Can you hear me?. Yes. Indeed it wasn't an error. That voice  still  carry  promissory note for encashment.: Your creativity  for being an Artist.                            ii). Suggested password for your computer box is ' Eye has not seen, Ear has not heard  Not has any understanding of it in the heart'. That's is the mystery of amazing artist. You're not ordinarily. ' Our potential, natural gift's gives us opportunity to review our mindset and the subconscious towards a successful life'.                                                    iii). Do not grow  old no matter how long you live. Never cease to be like children before the great mystery into which we were born.' Like little children, let's keep fresh the questions of our WHY, WHAT, HOW and WHEN , in major focus. They will lead us to our desires and goals.                                           iv). Discover what your gift is as an ARTIST:   I). And Reason That I set The Tone ( Artist) in my world.                                                            ii). And Remember That I Set  Trend.                 iii).And Resources That I symbolise are Tremendous.                                                           iv).And The Riches That I'll Surprise our Time.
v).Amidst Recession That rages , I Stand Top
What a mystery? What a Story' to write. What legacy to leave to humanity. The ARTIST.
iv).Life isn't finding yourself, only. Life is about creating yourself. For some, funding self is the beginning of discovering other selves. Yet others might say ,' All that I am not made me all that I am.'. However, create your world. The greater the obstacles, the greater glory in overcoming it.
v). With more skills, you have more dots. And that means more opportunities. . But, don't stop to search for new opportunities and  new information. 'Challenge existing knowledge so that you don't stop growing and expanding abilities'

I). Among the billions of people in the world, no two fingerprints are thesame. That's how beautiful our footprints on the sand of times are calling out. It will be worth the effort. We are what we chose to supply bearing the distinguishing marks on our produce. Example , talk about  commercial electricity. Talk Edison. Mystery that reduced misery.You  can set the Tone.
ii). To follow the trend is natural pull. The artist knows how to showcase his brand to create a trend. The Nike's, Adidas, Puma, Grasshopper etc. Some very popular artist hack up their 'waves'.
iii). It's the prospect of  fulfilling a dream that makes life interesting. This is possible using the resources that I symbolise which us tremendous: Artist. When this is packaged as a burning desire, the subconscious translates and transmitts it to  infinite intelligence , for it's physical equivalent.  Amazing. You can create your world.
iv). ' The purpose of life is to find your gift and it's benefit is , give it back as sevice to the world., As a pleasant surprise to creation. Digital Technology has opened great opportunities great  world wide, to upgrade human welfare. 

I). The only thing about the future is that it will be different.  Be a part to make a positive difference. 
If we open a quarrel between the past and present, we will find out that we have lost the future. 
ii). Oour past gives us experience and make us wiser so that we create a beautiful and brighter future . The future is not an inheritance , it is an opportunity and obligation.
iii). Failure is part of life. If you don't fail, you don't learn,  if you don't learn, you will never change. Everyone is willing to win .Few are prepared. I have never seen a strong man with an easy past. A smooth sea never  made a skilled sailor.
iv). I suffer from ambition . I am addicted to success. and I am allergic to average. 
The goal is not to wear brand.  It's to  become one.
v) The man who does more than he is paid for , will soon be paid more ,for what he does. The best thing about the future the future is that, it starts one day at a time. Start today . You can do extra. 

The world is watching  and waiting with excitement ,  for the beauty of your creativity. 

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