
 1 INTRODUCTION.                                                 2. PUNCH THE RIGHT PIN.                                  3. YOU ARE NOT THIN.                                           4. THERE IS MORE TO ACCOMPLISH.


 Tale Of  A Palm Tree : Punch The Right Pin.      Our farm land grows several palm trees. Their trunks are warty, so the dresser or harvester could climb smoothly. The palm frond that support the tender bunch,  palm nut , when it buds are spiky , and wonderfully arranged.                                           Broom sticks are made from matured palm fronds. Oil is made when the red palm nuts are taken  and processed at  oil mills. Or prepared in the home using large mortar and special pistle.  Crack the palm nut to remove it's hard shelf, you have edible crunchy  nut.  It serves medicinal purposes , when roasted and processed as black oil.  Decayed palm tree trunk grows palmy worm, full of proteineous value ,in a world of its own. The dried tee is used as fire wood. Palm tree  deep strong  roots help check erosion.                                                               The palm tree isn't thin. You Are Not Thin. Punch The Right Pin. 


I). If you don't declare who you are, people will carry you across your father's house.        If you don't carry yourself properly, others will treat you as wood- ash parker.                    Life, in evening time is allowed. But wealth serves best ,with sweat at one's prime.              Any handshake that pass on ,towards the elbow is something else. Put your house in order.

ii). Poverty Infrastructure Network ( PIN).    The lesson of the palm tree, apply. Indeed ,is reminder.:  Look at  Palm Tree and be wise". It's network, linkages, practical in content and profit.  Wise pins of  instruction. You can do much better, to change your narration of freedom from captivity of shame . Don't be discouraged. Poverty was the starting point of many world leaders who gave hope to the hopeless. Be strong.

ii). Perseverance Is Not ( PIN),an option.          As water to fish, oxygen for life, so crucial too , is perseverance to life and success. Nothing compares with it. It's like the pillar on which the pillar of your world :  Press  On.. Never give up! Always there to say ' Just Push On'. It's one size fit all, for Life and it's challenges.

iii). Plenty Is Not (PIN), an account.                      It flows like a river with alluvial fluids for encashment. Nature has given us all things. But they are in pieces, requiring our commitment to join one piece with its other  part, to produce success. All the pieces of  palm tree,  together make it a success..

3. YOU ARE NOT  THIN.                                         'Don't try to lessen yourself,for the world. Let the world catch up with you'.

 I).Innovation and constant improvement, must keep on being the motivation idea of our generation throughout the 21st century.  That's like the plenty without account. Vital tool for' You Are Not Thin ' kit.

ii).. Sometimes ,it takes many years to get that on year that will change your whole life..There are years that ask questions. There are years that answer.  

iii). Win in your mind and you will win in reality. Reset your consciousness. Saturate your mind with, I 'm not thin ,Self Talk. Then make adjustments, not excuses. Rise and grind. Your empire isn't going to build itself.

iv). Everyday of my life I am trying  to fing a different way to  get better.         Defeat is a state of mind. No one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality.               We must do we can with what we have. You are not thin. 


I). The pioneers of computer Technology, Digital Tech and Information, experiment,    foresaw handover from Industrial Revolution. There is still more to discover.

ii).The secret of great wealth, is to figure out where the world is headed, and to get there first.. On your marks!.

iii). The secret off getting ahead is getting  started. You don't have to see the whole stair case. Just take the first step. Build your dreams. Or else someone , will hire you to build theirs.

iv.).' If you don't the road, you're walking start paving another. Opportunities don't happen. You create them.                             How wonderful, it is that no one waits a single moment before starting to improve the world. There is more to do.

v). There is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it.                                                                     If you want to lift yourself, lift up someone else. 

Act as if what you do makes a positive difference. It does.

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