
 1.INTRODUCTION.                                                2. 4 PART PHILOSOPHY OF ANT.                         3. ANTS ARE GOOD CITIZENS.                           4 CONCLUSION :REMOVE I-CANT    


'One cannot build a hive. One ant cannot build a colony. It's not the lion that the elephants are afraid of . It's the ANT.  Small but mighty.                                                Everyone should be keen to study ants ÷.        All good things are done the way ant do things. Little by little.                                           When many, work together for a goal, great things may be accomplished.                              It's not as busy as the ants. Show the results.   Ants are a curious race. Next time, you see an ant begin to prepare either for winter or the rainy season.The best way to prepare for tomorrow is to start today.                                   Ants farm fungi, raise aphids as livestock, launch armies into wars, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse the enemies, capture slaves. They do everything much like human beings, but they don't watch television. 

2. 4 PART PHILOSOPHY OF ANT.                        

'Ants have amazing 4 part philosophy  ÷.          I) . Never give up.ii) Look ahead. iii). Stay Positive .iv). Do all you can'. Jim Rohn.              I). Never Give Up.                                            With childhood curiosity and admiration, there was an ant hill around our school compound. Often, you find one rolling a ball like wrapped food, much larger than its size. If it goes off the route, it quickly rushes infront, stops it and redirects it back to track. Focused, determined, persistent. until it drags it into the colony. They make all their harvest in summer or die in winter for hunger.  And do thesame in dry season or they perish in rainy season.                                  ii). Look Ahead.                                                       Do they have dreams? Fight for their dreams?  Their soul and vibrations of thought in unity with cosmic forces provide them with their desires. ' The Way of ant is wise. They have no guide not overseer or ruler ' but they understand the moment and gather their food according to time and seasons ..                                                                iii). Stay Positive.                                                    Ants are heroes of their story. Do they think about luck? What they decide is, take action and get results.that talk about luck: I will find a way or create one. I don't always have to like it, to learn from it. and grow. No excuses. Get good results. Work your butts off. Or die.                                             . Unruffled, unshaken and following their line, one behind the other,  No one blocks the traffic. And when ,as children we dared to scatter the line, they will come after us, and regroup again for business. Amazing creatures.                                                                   iv). Do All You Can.                                               ' Failure will soon be tired with your unfaltering and unyielding push towards your goal.. And say ,this one let him pass. Allow him to go'.Great achievers have failed, failed over and over into success. That's all to do, 'All You Can Do. '

3). ANTS ARE GOOD CITIZENS.                            i). Ants plan group interest first. In searching for food they do it together.  The food is then take to the colony where, like the bees, there are workers, drones and the queen.                  ii). Ants fighting together will vanquish the enemy. Unity is strength.                                      iii). They show results for their busyness. A great lesson of industry and economy.              iv). If an ant carries object hundred times its weight, , you can carry burdens many times your size.                                                                   v). The bees collect their materials and transform and digest them by power of its own.. Unlike already made food materials collected by other ant types.

5.). CONCLUSION.                                                   Remove I Can't.                                                       I). Elephants can survive only if the forests survive. With the what- It - Takes- Attitude, I can always succeed.                                                ii). Elephants are the largest land animal. Symbol of strength and honour. Man has dominion over everything on air, land and sea.                                                                            iii(. Elephants can sense danger and detect approaching tsunami and earthquake. Man has gone further, among many other things, including preserving elephant population from extinction : from man created tsunamis : poaching, illegal ivory trade etc.                      iv). Our elders say that elephant does not find its trunk heavy. Our elders also say, that the size of a man is the size of his problem.     You Are The Size Of Your Problems.       REMOVe I CAN'T .   

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