
 1. INTRODUCTION.                                                 2. TIGER.                                     .                           3. TRIGGER THE TIGER.                                       4. YOU CAN DO EXTRA.                               .  


' Nature has given us all the pieces required, to achieve exceptional wellness and health. But has left it to us to put the pieces together'.                                                                   It's a puzzle that many are not exceptionally hungry or crazy to find and fit these pieces together. When people are hungry they do the following: understand that hunger for success destroys fear of failure.                           It's a major key to unlock success.                    It drives someone forward, not to be satisfied with yesterday's achievement.              It stairs up burning desire for steady progress, to innovate, to grow, and revolutionise the world.                                       Find  theTiger   : That Is Guts Exploration And Results.


It is a brand:.                                                          .I) Curiously  engages into personal treasure adventure.' Innovation and constant improvement must keep on being the motivating idea of our generation throughout the 21st century.  Develop this hunger . You can do more.                                   ii). Be calm and courageous  in the face of adversity. That's Tigers mark. For every adversity, there is a profit. Learn the game.    iii). Confidence is a winners outfit. It's like a well fitted plug into the socket,that switches on light that dazzles.   That's your brand as well. Learn it, practice, practice practice. It's entering behaviour before your audience.      iv). The tiger is a solitary adventurer. Some of the CEO's of major global companies started somehow, in hidden or secret places'. Such is good for maximum focus on given task                                                                         v). Sometimes, confuse your detractors with uncertainty. This also is Tigers identity.          


' The richest place on the earth is the graveyard. Here, untapped inventions, discoveries, dreams , visions are buried.'.        I). Don't hold the trigger because you are from poor background which has no power or bullet to shoot hunger. Be right. That's your greatest weapon . Some of world presidents started from humble foundation. They served as bullets that triggered the release of generation wealth. So you, too.         ii). Challenges push you to overcome   impossibilities and become a star. That's the rule or principle. If it doesn't challenge you, it won't charge to get up and take the bull by the horn.                                                                  iii)It doesn't matter how much resource you have' before you, if you don't use them wisely, you will not achieve much'.If you don't exhaust them, that's not good enough.   .iv). Do quit. If you do, you throw away possibility of success'. You're a champion in the making. Always learn fast. Improve and get the results.                                                       v). Do be afraid to fail, Most successful people fail . They come back and still make global waves.                                                          vi). Dream big. Lose a battle. Win the war. Turn your guts  into nuts and bolts to fix defeat


' Always remember that everything happens for a reason. It might not make sense now, but at the right time it will'.                                 I). Benefits of  doing extra work, will not go unrewarded .                                                            ii).Still dig deeper into your purpose for life. Take time to think greater than yourself, to beyoind yourself. To live the world significantly better than you found it.               iii). 'There are three ways to ultimate success. The first way is to be kind. The second is to be kind. The third is to be kind '.  iv). It takes  spending time working on yourself in the dark ,to know what it means to stand in the sun.                                                 v). Champions keep playing until they get it it right.                                                             .       

You can do extra. You are the bullet that triggers success. Cock Your Guts And Shoot..



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