

1. The Human Potential Has No Limit            2. Opportunity Is Plenty.                                    3. Try Again For Steady Flow Of Success.          4. Don't Go Away. You Are Close 

Every time ,you don't action, someone else takes the advantage. Inaction is distraction from achieving purpose.                                      Become example of ' Everything I am not made me what I am. . The faucet flows regardless.  Work hard until you do not anybody to introduce you.   Be strong.

1. THE HUMAN POTENTIAL HAS NO LIMIT. When you apply the right valve, you open the flow.  It has no limit. It's like courage muscles, the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.                                                                  a) The Mind Is Everything. It can push cash value on your most dominant thought. If it has not yet happened, don't stop the process. It will surely happen.                                        The mind is supported by the brain to continue our growth throughout life.                b) Reward For Curiosity. The brain rewards curiosity and enables it to pursue what it wants to do.  Curiosity triggers unknown to become known. Open into this flow of fresh adventure.                                                               c). Problems When Handled Well,                     No strong man has an easy past. The training by difficulty, when it doesn't bring quarrel between trainer and trainee, promises to make us better.  Problems are like washing machines, they spin us around from one end to the other, but in the end, we become better.                                                        d). What The Mind Can Conceive And Believe, It Can Achieve. When you form a mental picture you can bring image in the thought to it's physical equivalent.                   d). Uniqueness Provides Confidence.                 It boosts  resilience not to be limited by other peoples opinion. 

2. OPPORTUNITY IS PLENTY.                               a). The only Job that is secured is the one you created yourself. When Kharby lost his job, it took him time to start Tik- Tok. But he was better.                                                             b). Think Unthinkable, To Celebrate The Remarkable. ' We must think about unthinkable things because when things become unthinkable, thinking stops. And action becomes mindless.'. The outstanding story of Ford's V-8 engine block construction which defied all that was known before and tried. But persistence hard work produced unbeatable result.                                               c). Actively Searching For Opportunities  .        Every problem has opportunity to introduce us to better outcomes. Look for the lesson. And profit by it. John F Kennedy when he was asked how he became a war hero?  He replied ' It was quite easy, someone one sunk my boat.'                             d). Curiosity Will Make You Sensitive.              Opportunity is like a haughty goddess and wastes no time with the unprepared Curiosity makes you stand by to cash in and profit from available chances. like Thomas Edison of electric bulb                                        e). Ambition Is Served Through Opportunity .There was need to experience a new type of motor car engine. That ambition was fueled by opportunity at the time.                                f).Curiosity Is Rewarded.                                      The sensor device in curiosity that discovers it's burning desire through opportunities is rewarded  by the brain, to fulfil purpose of our existence.                                                          g). Human Potential Is Opportunity Possibility.  When there is no opportunity, create one. Example, Edison, Einstein etc.

3. TRY IT AGAIN.                                                    ' Successful people never stop learning. That's why they never stop earning. Learn and try again.                                                          To learn to succeed, you must learn to fail.      Behind every successful person is a story that gave them two choices: sink or swim. Don't sink.                                                                Apply this formula:                                                You show up every day                                         You work hard and try new things.                   You fail, You improve. You grow.                       You face countless challenges and rejection   You doubt yourself. You want to quit.               But you don't And you do it over and over      Do this for a months, year's or even decades And You Become Overnight Success.   Hold on to to faucet switch, - - - the flow will come.

4.. DON'T GO AWAY.                                               To fail means you have now learned another valuable lesson that pushes you closer you closer to your success.                       Losers atop when they fail. Winners fail until they succeed.                                                 Challenges push you to overcome possibilities and become star. Don't              You have power in your mind to train yourself to do what you want. Activate it positively .There is resonant energy to bring what's is in you outside. Use it, wisely.                Problems are part if life. Facing them is an art of life. Solving them is a fact of life.             Didn't forget the 10% / 90% mind set.. 10% of life is what happen to us. 99% of life is how we decide to act.  You are stronger than you think  and can handle it well. Associate with people who are able to improve you.

CONCLUSION.                                                          Many life's failure are people who did not realize how close they are to success, when they gave up. You will only fail if you stop.      Keep Trying: That's switch On The Faucet.  It's Not Empty.


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