
1. INTRODUCTION.                                                 2. RING BELL ABOUT MARVEL OF THOUGHT.                                                               3. SOURCES OF GOOD THOUGHT.                      4. TRAVEL TO THE FUTURE.


An inquisitive child once asked , How is a baby made?  Where is baby from? That is  thought on a journey of curiousity .                   Out Botany teacher while teaching us germination of seed, emphasised that soil quality determines the fruitful result or not    Similarly, a thought is like a seed in soil of the mind.  It's nurtured, and nourished to reproduce its physical equivalent.                     Like in human reproduction,  male seed fertilises the ovary, to give birth to a baby which,  grows to maturity. When a thought  meets ' fertility' requirements, through a process,  it's physical equivalent is produced  The thought that is imagined, becomes , visible and tangible. Ring the Bell.                     Sometimes, we do very little to cultivate the basic principles of seed germination into our thought- product progress. Good thoughts matter, plus sound principle application.      


Useful information ,is contained in my earlier post titled: TURN THE FAUCET÷ IT'S NOT EMPTY.  DATE: 10/ 02/23.                            I). ' There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made. ~ ~ ~ . A thought in this substance produces the things that is imagined by the thought. In order to do this, - - - , he must have a clear mental picture of what he wants and do it  with faith and purpose '. This type of imagination, has power of creativity. Whatever  a man sows into that soil of the mind, it shall reap. Amazing .                                                                 ii). ' Everything ,that we create in the physical form, must first be created in the thought. We grow to resemble the thoughts we think about, most intensely. And these thoughts reproduce themselves in physical form '.                                                                      iii). After  carefully choosing thoughts, move on , organise them by drawing a mental picture of what you want. Then concentrate on the picture until you transport it into physical equivalent.                                              iv). When you saturate  a thought with  strong vibration  l, the mind triggers to create condition for its realisation. .                   v). I had immersed myself into one though, for quite a while. This changed to  became a desire that I found myself  tapping into with excitement and fulfilment. How that thought set in motion, and brought it's accomplishment, then, is a wonder . But now that I know, that it was a principle at work. That's the bell of marvel to ring. 


I). Poverty shouldn't serve cruelty. It's a passage for all who want   to walk away from its hold. Don't stay there. Remove the gravel. Poverty is not a landlord but a tenant. Nothing else is good enough. Adversity of poverty is university to profit , creativity and diversity.  Many students have graduated. You can be next.         .                   ii). There will be defeats but never allow yourself be defeated..' Things work best for those who make best ,how things work . Defeat is for breakfast. Eat it up     .              iii). You can turn disappointment into  moment of turn around. You can't change the past but you can change the future positively, from where you are. now. No condition is permanent. Learn to stay alone. The good news is, there will always  be more than one good solution to a problem' Find them.      It's possible                                              iv). Ignore heartlessness. Nobody's opinion can affect you, except you give it permission. Success is a sweet revenge. ' First, they will ask, what  you're doing it. Later they will ask , how did you you do it?.                                       v). Through all you Go through in life, always , learn to  be inspiring, in the gravel removing process. Cultivate willingness to go extra mile on behalf of the world. 


' In the time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists'.                                  I). Don't stop learning. Life ceases when learning stops. ' Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you. '.                      ii). Do something today, that your future self will thank you for. Your world in your burning desire, to respite and transform. Little things, make big days. Don't wait until you have enough to start, . Begin with what you have, other things will add up, later. From little oak,, aprons grow.                iii).Don't wait for opportunity. Create it. The best job security is in the one you started provided you are sufficiently market elasti     iv).Your time is limited, so don't waste time leaving someone else's life. The way to get started is to quit  thinking and begin doing.     v)."It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.'. ' The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their  dreams

If you can think it , you can do it.  Power of thought is a marvel. Ring the bell. 

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