
1. INTRODUCTION.                                                2. YOUR NETWORK.                                              3. YOUR DATA.                                                         4. DO MORE THINGS.                                            


The air that we  breathe is free. When  medical facilities prescribe 'oxygen ' as a life saver under intensive care, it becomes very expensive. Nature has lavished great wealth of unquestionable health care for our wellness, without charge.                                     Consider, the sun which serves all things collects no fees. It's scientific importance is without doubt . The challenges  for more of its exploration, by assumption , is on going.    For us within the Equator, how the sun gives us food by using chemistry of water, chlorophyll to provide photosynthesis etc. Without 'cost'  is a delight                                     Nature is a teacher with its networks. We are students, to learn also to give freely.


I).People will always talk at your back. Give them good topic of 'Be Kind'. ' Life operates within a network, as inter connected system of people. What touches one, robs off on another. Very strong people lift humanity, they don't pull us.  down.                                  ii). Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. Connect this your WiFi to network of humanity.  And let people subscribe  TO- BE - KIND, channel.   That takes creativity. ' All creative people want to do the unexpected. To showcase pleasant surprises.                                                 iii). ' Looking at the world with fresh eyes is the hallmark of a genius (game changer ).  Inventor, being open to endless possibilities of creating. These are people who change society, by finding ways to make better, heal, cure   and ease the burden of   every day life, through new ideas, and technology. : To change the world for better through hard work ,trial and error and open mind'.            iv). All our network connect   to  make things better, including people .'Science knows no country because, knowledge belongs to humanity and it's  the torch  which illuminates humanity.' Torch to light, To- Be- Kind.  

3.  YOUR DATA.   

I).' A lot of legends , a lot of people have come before me. But this is my time. Utsian Bolt . Recognise your data. Recognise that the time is now t, then use itto excell . Connect to network of humanity.                                            ii). Challenges of life engage to train bus to become champions. Most  of them don't stop until mission is accomplished..  Let's cooperate with them. Push yourself. Use your data.                                                           iii)." Stop waiting for  things to happen. Go out and make them happen. Success is on dial. Step out to  its trial. Remove the limits. Kill all disappointment with success'. Bury them with a smile'.                                                 iv). There is nothing for something. ' Pain is temporal. It may last a minute, an hour , a day, or year. Eventually, it will subside and something else will take it's place. If you quit, it lasts for ever. '  Unused data                 v). Easy is not  an option . Be fearless. Talents ,you have naturally . Goals have cost. Time, Efforts, Sacrifice, and sweat. That's how to pay for the goals. Skill is only developed through hours and hours of  hard work. ' Genius is one percent inspiration. Ninety nine percent is perspiration.


'i). Be thankful  for what you have and you' will  end up  having more.. If you concentrate on what you don't have , you will never have enough. ' Winifrey Oprah. Share what you have. Be kind.                              ii). ' Our live begin to end, the day we become silent about what matters. '. Be kind to the helpless . ' Greatness that's self serving is empty. Build, giving back and serving others in every part of our journey and you will find fulfilment and happiness long before you reach your                                         iii). However difficult life may seem, there is always something  positive you can do and Succeed at. . Most successful success' help others succeed too. Be kind to others.               iv). 'When one door  of happiness closes, another opens. But often we look so long at the closed  door that we do not see the one that has been opened. to us'. When you give value you receive value. Provide, right happiness and get result as well. Subscribe to be kind  strategy.                        


' Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did.' ' So throw off the bowlines and sail away from safe harbor , catch the  trade winds in your sail: Explore, Dream, Discover' Dock at harbor of Be Kind To People.. You can do more.                               ii). The best and biggest accomplishment are never achieved by single  person. Invest in right relationship ,that can compliment your weaknesses and allow you to focus on your strengths'. 

Laughter is timeless. Give it to the penniless. Release them from hopelessness.

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