
1. INTRODUCTION.                                               2. THE MIND CREATES DREAMS.                      3. ACTION PLAN TO ACHIEVE DREAMS.           4. CONCLUSION.

1. INTRODUCTION.                                                 ' The best knowledge is to know what needs to be known. The Latin root word 'anim' means Mind or Spirit. Conscious, sub-- conscious and unconscious mind.                      The conscious mind is that which you are aware of and think with. And the one you are familiar with.                                                     The sub conscious mind is the creation of dreams. It's job is to sort and organise millions of pieces of data you have deposed to. It's like a file clerk in a gigantic room full of files cabinet. Some of the bits gets dismissed as trash but filed away for future use if needed. THIS IS HUGE JOB. We are dream creators, chasers, and achievers. The sub conscious mind is our major target.           The Mind Is Everything                                        ' When you wish something long enough,   the brain will start guarding you toward the goal by giving you ideas on how to make it real ' ' Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.                                          ' It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting'. 

2.THE MIND CREATES DREAMS.                            ' Believing yourself is first secret of success.' Everyone uses their sight but few use their vision. Before anything is manifested into existence, it is first dreamed (or imagined) and nourished in our imagination. '                                                     We can have a preview of how things will unfold by looking at our thoughts , actions and dominant beliefs. How we are today determines how life unfolds tomorrow.' Imagination is the beginning of creation.         ' Bring ideas in, and entertain them royally for one of them may be the king.  Never doubt your imagination. ACT on your creative ideas and you will be surprised to know what you can accomplish.                          The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.' ' Imagination is the soil that brings dreams to life. '               ' We search for WIFI connection everywhere but have lost the intuitive connection with our imagination. The inner world, our imagination can bring our dreams to life'' If you fall in love with imagination, you will understand it is a free spirit. It will go anywhere. It will do anything.'

3. ACTION PLAN TO ACHIEVE DREAMS.           I) 'When we imagine something or dream about something , we have already taken the first step, toward planning. A good plan doesn't always start with a piece of paper and a pen. Planning begins in our heads through visualization. Everyone has a dream but without the ability to see, plan actualise the required step, life just flies by and those dreams remain fantasies'                                      ii).A goal without a plan is just a wish. A goal is a dream with plan and a deadline  . The mind conceives, believes, and acts to birth the thought. The mind is a free spirit and it activates belief by faith. ' Faith is a state of mind. All thoughts which have been filled with feelings of emotion as though by conception and mixed with faith, begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent.                                   iii).Mental/ Spiritual Planning.                            Faith is the ' internal elixir' which gives life power,  and action to the impulse of thought 'Faith is the element that transforms the ordinary vibration of thought, created by finite mind into it's spiritual equivalent'.     

   4. ACTION PLAN : STAGES.                                   I). Create a definite plan for carrying out your goal (dream).and begin at once   .             ii). Set out your measurable goals and time.   iii). Start implementing what you want, those activities as by priority, step by step.        iv).Monitor performance in step (iii)  above. v). Feed back your result into the project. Make correction where it is needed to improve the process. And help reach your goal as planned. . 

5.  CONCLUSION :THE BEAUTY. OF                    IMAGINATINATION.                                                ' You are as young or as old as your dreams. Many people don't enjoy life because they have everything handed to them. They have nothing to chase, no dream to fuel their spirit.Believe in your dreams, no matter your age, laugh, your lungs out, and treat your life as game, get lost in the beauty of your imagination.'                                                  Welcome .

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