
 1 INTRODUCTION.                                                 2 DAZZLE IS EAGLE.                                             3. WAYS TO CREATE IMPACT.                              4. KEEP MOVING FORWARD.


' Courage conquers all things".                            One of the most outstanding courage of eagle is, when it spreads  feathers full length,  and glides on wings of the wind. And shouts very clearly, head on against its raging forces , I' in charge here. I'm  master,  At such mind blowing heights, from the earth.?  Amazing.   ' The most courageous art is  still to think  for yourself aloud. Courage is standing up to your fear and doing the thing that fears you. It's frightening, how eagles overpower snakes  with their powerful talons and very strong beaks.   WOW.                                             Courage, thy name is VICTORY.   


'No Guts No glory'. No legends No Story'          I). When it rains, most birds seek shelter. The eagle is the only bird that will fly above the clouds to avoid the rain . You can dazzle uniqueness like the eagle: Ability to go through the storm without being thorn.           ii). If you want to fly, give up things that weigh you down. Yesterday is past. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is  present. It's  currecy~ ~ it holds the cash of your life. 'Sufficient is the day'.   Make it brilliant.                                                                  iii). Remember, who you are. You have the power to train your mind to do what you want. Use the resonant energy inside to bring out what's you - - -     Micro you.  Release the marvel  locked up.                      iv). ' If you hang out with chickens, you're going to cluck.And if you hang out with eagles, you're going to fly'. Two good heads are better. Be skillful in your selection.              v). An eagle is SILENT, but has abilty   to touch the sky.                                                        ' A seed grows with no sound, but a tree falls with a huge noise. Destruction has noise but creation is quiet..This is the power of Silence. We can cultivate it. 

3. WAYS TO CREATE IMPACT.                           

 I). ' Do not wish it was easier, wish you were better. Do not wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Do not wish for less challenhes , wish for more skills'.                      ' We humans can do the most remarkable things, no matter what happens'.                       ii). ' If you can't find a way, create one. Do it right . ' Follow the path,  that has no foot prints on it.  Examples are ,Albert Einstein of Relativity theory in physics,  Thomas Edison, of the commercial electric bulb fame , etc.         iii). ' Money doesn't grow on trees. - - -. Money grows on trees . These trees are called ideas, Assets, investment, business, dreams etc. From the early days of computer soft ware , etc,   growth is continuing: digital products are on the increase. Their diversities show competence that's reinventing. What a dazzle  that jingles         iv).Your parents have given you a name. It's your job to make it a brand. '                              If there is 1% chance of success, try it 100 times.                                                                       .v). ' Ease is greater threat to progress than hardship. They say ,'Easy come. Easy go'.    


I). ' We fall , we break, We fail but then we rise , we heal , we overcome. Use the pain of the past, as the force that will drive you   straight to better future.'.                                  ii). Train to be courageous. Courageous enough, to be humble, not by intimidation. Because, anyone can succeed in life, if the person is humble to learn how to succeed.    iii). Cultivate the courage of I CAN. Sometimes, it can become more important than IQ. It puts pressure on the brain through the vibrations of burning desire, to provide what you want.                                    iv. You were born to stand out. Don't try to fit in with standards.  'You can't glory without the struggle'.                                                            v.). ' It takes courage to make out time, to create what you want. If you don't, you will spend a lot  more time , dealing with life you don't want'                       

Courage On Time Is Now.

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