
 1. INTRODUCTION.                                                 2. PAIN: NOTHING GOES FOR NOTHING           3. 'CHAMPAIN'  NOODLE FOR  CHAMPAGNE    4. WORK NOT OVER , YET.


I grew up watching with interest, how my mother did house work , among , many other things ,with grace. She understood my mind, perhaps by natural psychology.                As early as five years, she knew how prepare me in readiness for work.  work and more work. It served her well and I fell in love with that principle. And this has greatly shapen my life.                                                      She would call my pet name  with a twist that made it special. Then she will present the wooden mortar with food condiments inside. Here is the pestle, ' The One who helps his mother'. Very quikly ,  I am done with the little task, enthusiastically. I wanted to please her. Well done she will  express. Then for  a reward, she will give me a sizeable chunk of dry fish. Nothing goes for nothing.

 2. PAIN  PAYS FOR "PAGNE'     .                             You Can See My Post' Be Vigilant Over Your Dreams. Watch Your Zebra Crossing'.                    I). Perhaps, work has been blackmailed and labelled as DISTURBANCE. Will work answer? But work can be silent. Like experience, it gives you test before the lesson. Every teacher wants pupils to pass. So work harder.  Pain pays for 'pagne'              ii). Expect difficulties in life. Learn to be pro- active, taking correct steps before they arrive. ' If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it'. Courageously, move forward and take your space.                     iii). If you do not ask , the answer is NO. Next Opportunity (NO), may never come again. Now is the time. Stop ignorance before it stops romance with your destiny and darken your brilliance.                                iv). If your don't move forward, you will remain in thesame place. Motion isn't progress. It's good to stop when you are tired. Then rest and continue to accomplish set goal. It' may be difficult, but not impossible.                                                           v). We humans have power to do more than our dreams can give. Stand up to express the divinity within you.  ' Pain helps to upgrade our game: When you feel crushed, under pressure, pressed, ~`~ ~ , you are in a place of  transportation from raw material to finished product/ service. Endure the pain . Be strong.  Wait for the gain.         


Pain that creates 'Champ' need to be celebrated. They say ,that my country is the highest consumer of Champagne. A ' happy, nation . It  recognises the sweat that makes people, extraordinary.                                           Accordingly, champagne is used here , only for illustration. And it helps sale the point : of 'a pat on the back',  for outstanding work. Other delicacies could equally substitute as well. Like  Egusi soup  or bitter leaf soup with pounded yam, etc.                                          I). ' Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink in the wild air, '. ' A part of all you earn is yours to keep, from, ' The Richest  Man in Babylon. Pay yourself first, is suggested. Reward your body for good results. Pop the champagne.                                                         ii). To ensure steady toast, 'out of every tenth part of your earning, spend 9/10 but one..Budget thine expenses, that thou mayest leave coins , to pay for thine necessities, enjoyments and gratify thy worthwhile desires. Without spending more than 9/10. '.   iii).Yourself body is a vehicle to help you fulfil your dreams. Be kind to it.  Give it good care:  balance  diet,  all round wellness at all time.                                                                          iv) All work and no play, make jack a dull boy. You can consider this thought-: ' When I am old and during, I plan to look back on my life and say, WOW, that was an adventure. Not WOW I sure felt safe'.                                     v). Dig your well before you are thirsty. Build your relationship and build value before you need them.Thats payment for champagne.


' You have everything in life that you want, if you make enough other people get what they want'. Enlarge your champagne club by first enabling people towards self development.    I). When you go  up, go down,  to provide service.                                                                     ii). Help people to nurture growth. Bring them up ,to new and better way of doing things, with proven results.                                 iii). Every child is an artist. You can see my post. ' The Song Of My Crayon'.  But the problem' is how to remain an artist when we grow up.  If you have lost  direction of dream , dream again  It's not over, yet. Work.

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