

Nature has given us all the pieces required for us to achieve exceptional wellness and health, but he left it to us, to put the pieces together'.  

Now, it's time not to be tired with this ponder but to try it's wonderful.                     ' 'I want to keep moving forward.                         I never want to stop growing.                             I want to use my gifts.                                          I am creating a legacy.                                          I enjoy what I am doing                                                                                                                                                                                                          'If you cannot fly then run.                                  If you cannot run, then walk.                            If you cannot walk, then crawl.                          But whatever you do, you have to keep moving'' 

.                                                                                 BE EXCITED AND DO THE NEEDFUL.

1. I WANT TO KEEP MOVING  FORWARD.           ' You can tell if you are on the road to success because it is uphill, all the way.            Success does not find yiu, yiu have to go and get it.'                                                                        Time is your greatest asset. Don't waste it. Wake up to determination and focus on the goals and not obstacles. Living itself is risky, so never hesitate to take risks that show some possibility of success.                               " Success is not final , failure is not fatal. Its the courage to continue that counts. The secret  of success ,is to do common things, uncommonly well.                                                 Associate with positive people, who encourage  and pull you up. Avoid negative people who can pull you down. Beware. Even your shadow leaves you in the dark.

2. I NEVER WANT TO STOP GROWING.             ' It going to be hard but that doesn't mean it's impossible.. Those who avoid failure also avoid success. Sometimes we are tested not to show our weaknesses but to discover our strengths.                                                                There will be obstacles, there will be mistakes. But with hard work there are no limits. If you think that challenges are hitting you very hard, consider the airplane that takes off against the wind not with it.               We grow strong when we grow through what we go through. The seed grows as long we continue to pour water. We are stronger than we think. You will know this when it is your last chance.  Behind every strong man is a story that gave him no  chance                     If you feel you are losing, remember that the trees lose their leaves every year and still stand tall and wait for better days.                    Ease is the greatest threat to life than difficulty. So expect them and be pro - active.  You are a winner by birth.  In addition, the greatest gift to man is problem-solving. You are equipped for progress. Find problem pieces as required and put them together.

3. I WANT TO USE MY GIFTS.                            ' The only limits to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts today'. Each of us has fire within our hearts for something. It's goal in life to find it and keep it lit.              Deep inside us is a treasure, a teller for      encashment, if only we can dig.                          Our  dream, visions, ideas etc, are channels to express our gifts. Don't shut the channel down. In addition, work to grow and develop the talents. Acquire skills build ability to high level. The brain is never tired to provide us all we need to continue to grow and develop self, where there is requested .   'Moreover, opportunity is a haughty goddess who wastes no time with the unprepared '.  Don't miss your slot for the wonderful.              What you lack in talent, make up with desire. Hustle and give it 110% all the time.

4. I AM CREATING A LEGACY.                              ' I am on my way to become great.                      I have a goal in mind.                           ..              Nothing can stop me.'                                          ' If you can dream it, you can do it. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.    " You have all the reasons in the world to achieve your greatest dreams.                            Imagination + Innovation = Realization.           There is no failure in life. You either win or learn.                                                                        ' Hard work beat talent when talent can't work. Anyone can win'. 'Noting is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible.'                        ' Whatsoever, the mind of man can conceive and believe ,it can achieve'.

I Am ENJOYING WHAT I DO.                                ' I did not fail the test. I just learned a thousand ways to do it wrong'. I will not give up because I know that great things take time. . I won't quit despite difficulty. Soon, I will  love the work and get addicted to the process.                                                                    I am stronger than I think. I have to be happy because some people don't like seeing someone living  a good life. 'Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age and dreams are forever'. When you give people joy, you get more joy.                                                     ' Don't take things too seriously. Laugh at problems'.                                                              The body is vehicle that allows you to do what you were born to do.. Find discipline, take care of your body, improve it. Eat good food. Have good diet.


Use all the pieces that nature has provided to achieve exceptional wellness and health.         If you can crawl, then walk.                                If you can walk then run.                                   If you can run, then fly                                        Refresh. Release the Wonderful.         




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