

We will cross the bridge when we get there said our leader.Very clearly there was a cog in the wheel of progress. There was a round peg in a square hole. It wouldn't, couldn't and didn't fit. No way out. The whole organization was set to crash with a loud noise. We stood still there at the bridge but progress couldn't cross over 


1. CuSTOMS AND TRADITION. Years ago after my father died, the kindred asked our mother ' to go to the shrine'. Or we will be excommunicated from others in the community. The only option was to path ways peacefully. And don't look back. 

2. SOCIAL STIGMA. When helplessness clothed by inheritance marries poverty it produces incongruous birth. That condition needs to be dismantled. All fingers are not equal but none restricts the other.

3. WEALTH BY INHERITANCE. In it's own right, is good. But the treasure which you hold hostage, in your self ,will censure you someday . Soon people will mock and laugh at you : What is your worth apart from your father's wealth? Pull down this false security. When will you release the goods way billed on the treasure inside you ?

4. STAGNANCY. : Opportunity Boom Before Storm .The best time to go into debt is when you have money and you don't need it, not the opposite. Then you can master market dynamics and stabilise cash flow over a new path, despite fluctuations. Risk less life bridge ,needs an overhaul.

5. SELF-DEFEAT. This is the greatest bridge to burn down. Whatever disables the brain to perform it's good function is a big query. When someone says I cannot afford it, this shuts down the brain. Such statement should not stand. It causes civil war between the body and the brain. No more war. Period. 

6. IGNORANCE. Facts are changing. knowledge becomes old when empirical evidence proves otherwise.  Sometimes ago science taught us that matter was indestructible.  Some scientist latter said it was not true. Change is dynamic ,just as growth too. Grow in relevant knowledge Cross over to  new knowledge. The Alchemist tells us that the world has a soul. Everything has a soul.. The world works for our good. Throw away all aggressive attitude against it, that wants to rob us ownership, when we are tested.


1. DON'T FIGHT. Follow You Right. Customs and Tradition : You did not chose where you were born. But you wisely chose how to turn, peacefully. to do away with the danger.. To follow your belief and work out your salvation. It can burn your fingers. Forward ever.

2/ SOCIAL STIGMA. . If your father was Chinua Achebe's Unoka, , detach yourself respectfully. Especially from it's associated cat-calls. When your foundation is a laughing stock; can anything good come from there, and you glean from wretchedness, misery, nakedness etc.Its time to say it's enough. Determine to burn yourself out and live. Develop yourself until you don't need any one to introduce you. Success is a sweet revenge. Nothing goes for nothing. The gnawing pain of poverty is far much higher than the sacrifice for financial freedom. It holds more value than the rubbies. Who can find it. Yes, you can. No pain. No gain. If you live your family in poverty you are a failure. You have not learnt enough. Go back and keep on learning. There is indeed, no failure. Is either a win or learn. Your brain and universal laws of nature are there to assist you. You can learn again.

3. BUILD WITH YOUR SUBSTANCE. Then Add To Wealth By Inheritance. To be born with silver spoon is wonderful. Wealth by yourself, is marvellous for inference and significance and is not inferior to former. It's earning by right of your sweat not by teat. Wealth at time ' T' has made it's waves. The world wants something new. You can cross the rubicon. Don't look back.

4.UPROOT STAGNANCY IN COMFORT ZONE. Comfort zone dwarfs your growth. But you can dream again.  Move out of that place. That's when you can grow again. By principle, the world has a soul . Everything   is.screened, from the thought you think because what you think, can make the image that is it's equivalent. The process makes best those who are trained by it. So burn the canoe of instant gratification. Reach out to new things.  When life is restless, it becomes listless.

5. OVERTHROW SELF - DEFAT. Ease is greater threat to progress than hardship. You're stronger than you think and have come along way. Do away with defeat attitude. Defeat has no altitude. The mind is everything. Don't say' I cannot afford. Born this bridge. Period. Better to say, how can I afford it.. Don't place embargo on the brain to provide you answers.

6. DISMANTLE IGNORAnCE. To snore and ignore relevant knowledge, opens you up to ignorance. To sit on it, will call for resist exam because you were absent, perhaps, during test, when it was required to record your result. . Rid yourself of this type of habit.    

All these types of negative bridges cannot assist you find you a way forward. . Therefore create one. BE RIGHT. 'Never complain about difficulties in life, because the Director ( God). always gives the hardest part to the best actors '.Work harder on your inside first ,than you do on your job. .   

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