
 1. INTRODUCTION.                                                2. NEGATIVE INFLUENCE.                                    3. POSITIVE INFLUENCE.                                      4. IMPROVE YOUR SPACE.    


Begin by taking 100%  of life, choice and actions. But realize that other things touch them even our behaviors and habits. These are external forces which exert control over our lives. For you to press toward your goal you have to understand and govern these influences, so that they will support  rather than derail your success. The buffaloes have horns                                                               There are three kinds of influences : 1)Input; what you feed your mind on (Refer Previous post: DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER: YOUR MIND IS EVERYTHING ). 2) Association 3. Environment.                                                        Equally as important,is this, the 21st century is ticking away. Don't be distracted by bad news, terrorism, recession, depression, election etc. Focus on how to build   and improve your space. As always, the economy is not the driving issue. The matter is you.                                                           Life  is tough. The question is do you want a solid future? You have to create it. Take control of your income source. You need your own business. 

2. NEGATIVE INFLUENCE.                                    1). Control what you feed your brain for it to perform to the peak. But this can be difficult because most of that input is taken in unconsciously. We must persevere our watch to remove destructive things from our brain. It is a never ending battle, to be selective and stand on guard against any information   that can derail  our creative potential.  Buffaloes have horns. They are here. ( Refer to previous post: Work On Potential. Walk as Essential)..                                                                Switch off radio negative news on fear, worry, robberies, , etc during and after work.  So, the brain don't make stew with them all night  long.   The uncontrolled mind is on traffic always with negative news. That's our DNA. We must be disciplined to teach and train it.                                                   (ii).Go Media Fast. Stay clear of shocking and sensational headlines. That includes, radio stations and newspapers, , endless portals from our computers and phones. The competition for your attention has never been bloodier. But it is no, to positive news, and more of negative infomercials. And hurting our creative potential.                            iv) Reduce Level Of Association.Determine how much you can take from people. Thus is difficult. But there is no other way to stop them pulling you down. Be wise. Be strong. v).Our Environment Can Hinder Expansion. Like a shark in pond water. Over tight shoe hurts. Environment stretches far beyond the physical : every incomplete thing that sucks away energy of accomplishment, incomplete promise, commitment, agreement etc block your momentum and inhibit ability to move forward.

3. POSITIVE INFLUENCE.                                      I'). Identify With 'Reference Group', that fuels your goal and success in life. McClelland, according to research findings, suggests that 95% of your success or failure in life depends on the reference group.. Chose it wisely.                                                          ii). More Meaningful Relationship.  The type that you want that lights up and it's glow rubs on you. Befriend the person who you think is the biggest and smartest most successful in your field. You can expand the relationship by joining network group.        iii). Invest In Mentorship. No one is ever to good for mentoring. They will pitch you as a peak performer.                                                     iv). Set Standard For Your Life. It's amazing how life will organise around the standard you set for yourself. You have control over how people treat you. Protect your physical emotional, mental space. So that you can live with peace rather than in chaos and stress the world will hurl at you.Buffaloes have horns.                         .                                              

4/IMPROVE YOUR SPACE.                                     1)' Don't wish it was easier. Wish you were stronger '. When you hit the brick wall, discover, you're separating the old for the new to find new powerful, triumphant and victorious self.                                                 I). ii).Add To Results. Go above and beyond when you hit the wall. Push past what other people expect of you. Do more.                         iii). WOW, The Expectation.  Show forth more than expected. Improve your apace. Go for the WOW excitement. Add a little extra that exceeds what's expected.                             iv). Be Extraordinary. Discover for  yourself, multiplier opportunities to go a little further. Push a little harder. Last a little longer. Prepare a little longer and deliver more than expected.                                                                  

.5. CONCLUSION.                                                     ' It takes courage to discover, develop and donate your genius to the world.''                                              Welcome.

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