
 1 INTRODUCTION.                                                 2. ELEPHANT TUSK UNIQUENESS.                     3 TASK YOUR  UNIQUENESS                             ft  4. GO THE EXTRA MILE.


An extract from my post titled' HOW MUCH IS YOUR MOTHER'S DOWRY'?.                            They call him Boss, because  of his outstanding performance in  sports, both  field and  track events. His prowess was a flag hoisted over his head. Cute and curious  he opened up himself to other selves. He dared the future , burnt the bridges, so that , he couldn't drawback  to his his tearful financial background . There, again , he lifted the flag even higher, excavating the tatters of poverty.  But  there is no finish line, before the society asks you,'  How much is your worth?.  ' How much is your mother's  dowry.?                                                                    My culture pays glowing tribute to people who distinguish themselves as society game changers and people pleasers.                            Uniqueness is in your tills for encashment. . Let's celebrate your uniqueness. There is no one like you.           


Teach Yourself To Serve Keenly ( TUSK).            I ). 'Percy Miller, AKA Master. ' Rapper, Actor, NBA player, movie producer, shoe designer, sports agent,inventor, philanthropist, and business man . This man lived 100 men''s dreams. Celebrate him'.          ii). Uniqueness is Uniqueness.  How in the world will all the strides be made if we had been held bondage to blinking , sinking darkness until it jerked into twinkling light. .  Edison sneezed  to awake  humanity from slumber.                                                                   iii). Celebrate uniqueness in the country.  Pockets of crude engineering breakthroughs continue to  filter  through the air. I watched with admiration the show piece of a teenager who 'invented'  a Fork Lift caterpillar. He constructed it with motor car battery at his local assembly workshop. It's forward ever into the future. Thumbs up.        iv).. Celebrate uniqueness in Towns and Villages. When we were much younger, we trekked very long distances by foot,  on sandy very  dusty roads. Today, some of them have been upgraded. In addition, we have seen new sports, education , health and market facilities on the ground. It's new frankness,  that works progress to celebrate uniqueness. The 'human' TUSKS are highly appreciated .


I. Don't be afraid to fail.  Most uccessful and great people fail the most.Race against dormancy, . Stand up against stagnancy. Pull yourself out out of comfort zone. It breeds disease sneezes death.                                           ii). The world should get excited that you are here. Whatever is your calling, fall in love with work. Be tireless with its enthusiasm  to leave a durable mark.  Make your brand go round the world. Sports,  athletics makes my day . I am enriched with the galore of excitement. It's sweetest gallop is during 4×4 100 meters. It turns me away in estachy. That's the best brand. Do something that give people inexpressible delight. Task your Uniqueness.                                     iii).'Work should be attractive. Work is a blessing. Either you work or perish'. Follow your unique path. You're the only person that's your uniqueness. The Olympic games is dazzling example of  performing uniqueness: The product of hard work .           iv). Don't focus on money. When you fully discover self  as  game changer, through product or service , money will  follow you..  .v). We are born unique. Sadly, many are copies. My inspiration is to take them to their original and change their lives.  Original contains your digital. The mantra is to change lives.   


i.) Failure isn't fatal. Success is not final. It's courage to continue that counts. It's not, if you get knocked down but  if you  get back up. It's not over, until you win. Then  improve , and or do something new. Tusk is useful because it serves many purposes.              ii). You can't read a label when you are in the box. Don't hide your brand under lock and key. Indeed, we should be ashamed to due , not until we make a  positive change to humanity.                                                                 iii).The road to success is always under construction. Pay attention to work in progress sign.  Sign up. Don't quit.                    iv). ' See yourself :As eagle to dominate the sky. : As lion , be king in the jungle ; As champion, Don't give up.                                      v). 'Successful people never stop learning. That's why , they never stop earning.                vi). Prove yourself to yourself. Not to others That's the Tusk. It's not hidden.

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