

The sun that shines to give light shows its purpose. The tree-bearing fruit produces to feed people, serves its purpose. Life's purpose writes unique values in the pages of the universe. Today, it is the vivid mark of fate ultimate in the global village. It is the anticipated outcomes that come to become. 

From our foundation and teaching: Nature shares its mind of the subject matter, as something that results based on time and season. And this cuts across the board. : including life. So, life's purpose helps us answer. to: Why you are here. What you do with your unique endowment.

' But an individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his borders to the broader confines of humanity'. All achievements start with knowing what you want and conditioning the mind to complete the action necessary to attain it. Unfortunately, many don't know clearly what they want. That's the reason they don't score genuine goals or score their own goals.

Unless you choose with action a definite purpose in life, you cannot achieve anything 

Every life purpose has a ball to score valuable goals. So let's start like this. LIFE:  LET INFINITY FEEL my ESSENCE


1. It Is By Birth, Sometimes.

' It says, you are enough. You need to believe in yourself despite difficulties. Then work and create your apace. Be authentic. It was and still is in me, sportsmanship from childhood. I grew and developed it. This ability marks you as extraordinary That was a ball it scored many valuable local goals.

2. Searches For New Experience  With Difference.

To become a Top 1% expert by knowledge. Had I qualified in Physical Education many decades ago when entertainment was not a gold mine as it is now,  I wouldn't break par. But. I switched over to another best option and learned new skills in my area of interest. . Life purpose anticipates outcomes with planned guidelines and action for attractive results. It will provide, more than one solution to a given challenge. There is a problem-solving attitude to stand by. That it's difficult does not mean it's impossible. So don't lose possession of the ball. 

3. Maximize  Opportunity Within An Environment.

' If you were lucky to be born in this moment of history, with access to the internet and laptop and Smartphone, you have everything, you need to be very successful.

Here are about 4 billion people on the internet globally, doing business transactions. Indeed many who went through the school system of the 3 Rs, Reading Arithmetic and Writing are speedily adjusting to the New Information Age Technology. Get the ball, keep and play. The Internet is guiding, changing, and motivating lives and purposes. 

4. Cultivate. New Mindset 

Cherish your dreams. they are the children of your soul, the blueprint of your ultimate achievement. Dreams brush you. U less you do what is beyond what you have mastered, you cannot grow. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Everything in life has a price. You can create a way out. Keep the focus on the ball, you will soon love the work and be addicted to the process.

5. Dare To Become A Game Changer. 

Don't settle for less because it is available. ' You can't go to the big league with average-minded --persons. Your brain has so much each day. Spend it wisely. You cannot go back to the beginning but you can start from where you are and change the winding. That's the power of purpose except you atop it. 

6. Life Purpose Is Authentic. 

It finds out what was wrong and corrects it. It asks what went wrong, you dropped diamonds for pennies. Yet it exercises courage to let go of good for great. Doesn't run away from challenges but runs through them.

7. Passionately Curious.

' I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious' Albert Einstein. Many people saw the mango fruit fall, but only Einstein found out why. His relativity theory in Physics spark a fire of achievement. Life purpose ball in the net of human exploration.

8.Life Purpose Focus On Growth.

Growth guarantees that the future will be better. It finds out how to do much with improved method for more outcomes.. Life purpose learns how to maximise growth and develop strategies for obtaining specific results. Example, while Edison developed electric light, commercial breakthroughs came through a network of electric wires systems that distributed electricity across borders.


When Life (Let Infinity Feel my Essence ) purpose kicks the Ball (Bring All Life and Live), it scores goals in the net of humanity.


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