

' A thousand times we die in life, we crumble, break and tear apart until the layers of illusion are burnt away and all that is left is the truth of who and what we are in'.

Born to a family of ten, and with just barely enough to get by daily: loathsome experience early. Like a sting on my backside with pain, but it may me strong growing up.  Our mother worked very hard to put food on the table. But she did it with grace. That was layer of her illusion burning away, training and teaching me who and what I could become. It built up in me addiction on a mission against lack.

' Sometimes, you need bad things to happen to inspire you to change and grow ,. That childhood experience provided the valve experience, as my tool through thick and thin. It prepared growth, step by step, through various challenges with success.  And it boosts confidence.


Value Of A Hard Time.           

1. When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

2. It identifies and arms stable reasons 'why to live',  that can bear with any -how situation .

3. In a sense when suffering finds it's true meaning, it ceases to be suffering and understands the meaning of sacrifice.

4. Adversity incubates confidence which you can gain by overcoming it. It cannot be earned through any other way.

5. This confidence is the cornerstone of your attitude, the engine of persistence.

6. Persistence stokes your ability to even dream bigger dreams and achieve them.

7. There is no short cut  : you use the worth of hard times to chart a new profitable course.

8. All adversity, hardship, and struggles that come to you will make you stronger to get what you want out of life. If yiu allow them.


1. Physical adversity 

2. Mental disability - mental problem or mental illness.

3. Social adversity 

4. Spiritual adversity 

5. Financial adversity.

HOW TO OVERCOME HARDSHIP IN LIFE.:     USE THE TOOL VALVE: (Value Added to Life of Various Experiences.)

1. Focus On Things Within Your Control.

Physical disability: Frank D. Roosevelt  was school drop out ; was partly paralyzed by polio for life at age 39  .He failed to become vice president. Yet he was one of the moat remarkable presidents of the USA.          Helen Keller was blind , deaf and dumb , was discriminated against. But she became first blind to earn a bachelor's degree in the world.

2Accept Change By Looking At The Past.       

   Social / Spiritual Adversity. Muhammad Ali , grew up in the South part of the USA where he suffered discrimination and injustice and faced sentence because of his belief. Yet, he persevered and became a sports celebrity in boxing worldwide.                                           Nelson Mandela was against the apartheid regime discrimination against blacks in South Africa until it ended. He was the first black African president of the country. His Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommends itself to the world as a symbol of peace ,harmony, and social co-existence..

3. Don't Withdraw In Tough Time.

Mental Disability.( Adversity).'Albert Einstein  had speech defect, was considered retarded by some people. He failed an  entrance into Zurich polytechnic. But that did not stop him. At 21, he published the theory of Relativity, one of the pillars od modern Physics.'

4. Be Fearless.

Spiritual Adversity.. Mahatma Gandhi: thrown out train for his  belief at 23, imprisoned several times , survived 5 assassination attempts  before the fatal sixth. Yet he founded modern  India.  and changed the world history without holding a political office.

5. Expand Social network.

Financial adversity. 'Walt Disney. He did poorly in school.,failed in numerous arts and animation business; Failed to find distributors  for his Mickey Mouse major animation, ate dog food due to financial challenges. Yet, he earned 32 Academy awards for his entertainment animation and creativity. ' Buchi Oganwu.


In their adversities, they wrote their verses with diamond nibs on the pages of universe. They were great achievers, World changers, pace setters, Limit breakers, etc. All used their valve ( Value Added to Life Various Experience) tools to create significance: Like gold with silver lining.

' You are here on a mission to achieve your goals and maximise your life, even if it was not easy. So meet time.,welcome it and then knock back with persistent action . So, then future obstacles will be considered as opportunities to excel..

'Our Ultimate freedom is the right and power to divide how anybody and anything outside will affect us.' 

'I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.' Steven Covey.


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